Thursday, September 27, 2007

How To Get a Girl To Chase You

If you want to be incredibly good at meeting women online, you have to learn how to get a girl to chase you.

It’s often been said that “A man chases a woman until she catches him,” and this may be true.

But when a man is constantly sprinting after a woman at top speed and chasing until he’s out of breath and worn out, this can confuse the unspoken messages of personal value in eyes of some women.

It sends a message that you are so desperate to have her that she must be of very high value. And by the same token, your value in her eyes goes way down. She determines that if you’re pursuing her so hard, then you are of lesser worth than she is.

It also starts to give her the idea that if you’re willing to work this hard, surely other men out there would do the same.

And that’s where the trouble starts. She can string you along, knowing that she can use your intense interest as a way to boost her confidence and heighten her value among other men. And she can do this indefinitely, realizing that if she were to stop running, then she would almost feel as though she were “settling” to be with you.

Fortunately, in this age of online dating, it is entirely possible for men to turn the tables and sit back and let the women take on some of the work.

What you need to do is increase your value in the eyes of every woman you know. Make them feel as though you are out of their league and they should feel incredibly lucky to date you.

Human nature tells us this: We want what we can't have, and we value what we have to work for.

Men of high value aren’t available for a woman’s every whim. They’re not free to take every phone call, or reply to every email right away, and they certainly don’t sit on instant messenger all day willing to chat when ever “she” has time.

There’s a fine line between high value and arrogant, but remember to temper everything you do and say with genuine sincerity and you’ll start to see how quickly women stop taking you for granted.