Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dating, Romance, Love And Marriage - How To Meet The Right Man

If you’re looking for “Mr. Right”, and keep finding “Mr. Give me a Try”, then you may not be going about it the right way. The last thing you want, is to become another lonely, desperate soul who chases everyone away because you’re trying to get married quickly. If you play your cards right, and can stay calm, cool, and collected, you may improve your chances of finding “Mr. Right”. Here are a few tips that I have to offer:

First, know what you’re looking for. Finding the perfect man should start with a definition of what you call, “Mr. Right”. Keep in mind that it will differ from your best friends, and that’s okay. That just means the two of you won’t be competing (as much!). Don’t be surprised if you’re sights have been narrowed over the years. You’re just getting a better idea of whom you are compatible with and your chances of success increase with each new parameter. Most of all, don’t force something that isn’t there.

Second, be patient. There’s no rush and rushing into things will only cloud your judgment. There’s nothing wrong with going out with the first person that asks you, but keep that in mind. There will be plenty more, so if he doesn’t meet your criteria and seem like the ideal person for you, then you’re free to thank him for the great evening and move on. The evening of companionship will be nice, but don’t expect him to be the one to remove you from your life of solitude and loneliness.

Third, if you’re in a relationship and he doesn’t fit your criteria, you must reevaluate why you are with him. Just because you have someone to date, doesn’t mean that he’s the right one for you. Being with him may cause you to miss other opportunities that could send your “Mr. Right” into the arms of another woman.

Fourth, if things aren’t working out --- network. Enlarge your circle of friends and try going out with new people. If you spend most of your time with co-workers, then try to look up old college friends through the alumni association. Join a new gym or start shopping at a new grocery store. “Mr. Right” is out there, you just need to increase your chances of bumping into him. Don’t forget to try social networking websites, like, parties, wine tasting events, and “fun runs”.

Fifth, volunteer. Even if you’re not turned on by the thought of working for free, if you’re not an outgoing person this is a great opportunity to be forced to be socially active with another person, or other people. When choosing events, think first about where you’re likely to find “Mr. Right”. Will he be working at the local soup kitchen on Saturday morning, or helping walk dogs at the animal shelter? Try and choose something that you think will yield the most success.

Sixth, put yourself out there and leave your body position “open to communication”. By this I mean go out to coffee shops, books stores, food courts, or city parks. When you’re there, leave the seat open next to you and look approachable. It’s also helpful to carry “props”. By props I mean something that puts you in that place for a reason, and is easy to start a conversation about. Keep in mind, if should be relevant to the area, so sitting in a bookstore twirling a Frisbee on your finger is out of the question, ladies. If men see an opportunity to approach you and ask you a question, or make a comment about a book that you’re reading, you’re doing the right thing.

Seventh, go where men go. If you’re shopping for a diamond you don’t look in “Claire’s Boutique” do you? Probably not. Stop by a sports bar on a big game night, wearing a jersey for the local favorite team (remember to remove the tag if you just bought it on your way there!). If you know anything about sports, don’t hesitate to dazzle the local men with your intimate knowledge of the passing records for John Elway. If you don’t know sports, claim to be there to support a friend and are like watching the game, but admittedly don’t know much about it. Your best bet may be to visit Google or and do a little research on who’s who in the big game.

Eighth, above all else, be yourself. While it may not seem like it all the time, men want to know who you are. The real you is bound to come out and visit sooner or later, so why not make it sooner? If he doesn’t like you for who you are, then he’s probably not your “Mr. Right”. Good luck, and happy dating!

Dating - The Body Language Game

So you’re finally there, the big night. You’ve spent the past three weekends sitting at home. The first weekend you spent watching the crack on the ceiling grow. The second weekend changed your life.... that’s the weekend that you discovered Meet2Go and your new life of dating and fun began. Last weekend, you waded through the dozens of emails and found the one. Or at least, he was the top on your list. Okay, he was top on the list for this weekend. Next weekend, you already have a new number one picked out. For the first time, finding a compatible, attractive date was the easy part. And it didn’t involve your Mother, Aunt, or hair dresser. There is a lot of preparation that needs to be done, and not much time to do it. Aside from finding a new outfit to wear and making sure that everything is perfect, the big question is “how do I know what he’s thinking?”

Let’s set the stage: It’s the first date, so Italian food is out, so is anything excessively noisy and smoky. After all, you need to talk to him and learn a little more about him, while you sell yourself like only you can. The two of you decide to meet for sushi at the Japanese place near your office. After you spend your entire afternoon preparing, you rush up to the door of the restaurant, and casually stroll through it, all the while presenting yourself as if you planned to be 15 minutes late. You see him as soon as you come through the door and he stands up to meet you, gives you that great smile that has all the girls gossiping, and shakes your hand with both hands, one on top, one on bottom. How do you read his body language? With these tips, you may be able to keep one step ahead of him.

Eye Contact: One of the first things to notice is his eye contact. Of course he’s looking at you, but is his gaze fixed on you? People who are interested tend to hold eye contact for a few extra seconds. Not long enough to be considered staring, and thus scaring, but long enough to take the person in. If you’re able to, watch his pupils. If they dilate, it’s often an uncontrollable sign of interest. However, this is a hard one to master.

Body Position: Is he facing you squarely, or positioned away from you? If your “target” is truly interested, men (and ladies!) tend to position themselves squarely at the person which they are talking to, presumable to pay full attention to that person. Ever talk to someone while they’re angled 45 degrees and reading the paper? Without saying a word, you know that this person isn’t interested. If the person is squared up with you, like a tackle getting ready to sack the quarterback, you know that they’re interested. Hopefully not in tackling you, or at least not until after dinner!

The Touch Barrier: Outside of shaking hands, we tend only to touch people that we find attractive. And this all starts with a little touch. It may start with him telling an animated story and putting his hand on your arm while he acts out a scene, or helping you navigate through a crowed restaurant. Once the touch barrier is broken, all things can change.

“Mirroring”: It’s often unknown and unnoticed when it’s done, but mirroring takes place everywhere. A sales person mirrors his client in the meeting, when talking a general employee mirrors their boss at the coffee machine, and so on. Mirroring takes place when we repeat the same gesture that someone else is making. If you’re talking to someone and they cross their arms, if we’re paying attention to them we often, instinctively, cross our arms as well. It’s a sign of attention. When you lean forward, does he lean forward also? If you lean back, does he follow? If so, you could be working your way to a second date! Mirroring may not only be physical, but we also tend to mirror the tones of voice that people use. If someone is talking in a hushed tone, we tend to move closer and lower our voice as well, and the same is true with the opposite. If someone is talking in a louder tone, we may raise our voice a bit to compare.

While these four items can be reliable, don’t count on them to work 100% of the time. People are different, and cultures are different. Some cultures naturally talk loud and with wild hand gesticulations, while others are more reserved, speaking in softer tones with hands neatly folded. Be sure to take your time, pay attention to both what the person is saying, and how they are saying it. From there, you’ll be able to get a good idea of how to proceed. Does Mr. This Weekend still stand a chance, or will you confirm that new date from Mr. Next Weekend?

Adult Dating: Is Dating Losing Out To Casual Sex?

Dating is now a very common concept not just among kids to find their love or to find life partners whom they would love to spend rest of their lives with, this concept is no more just for youngsters, adults who have been married are going in for dating either for finding a partner for them or just for fun.

Adult dating has quite some numbers of pros, adult dating has helped find life partners for quite some number of people, and they are the ones who will vouch that the adult dating system works for the best. However, there are some who have found that there are too many complications involved in adult dating, moreover, most of the times, profiles submitted by candidates do not match the real person, and this in turn gives in for disappointment.

There have been instances where people were interested in intimate relationships rather than simple dating, the trend is slowly switching over to casual sex rather than entering a long term relationship. Men and women both find this convenient since there is no emotional involvement, casual sex is strictly physical. However, this tends to indicate the trend that people are no more interested in living a life together to build a long lasting relationship.

Adult dating can be fun too; it all depends on the attitude of the person. Finding the exact person you have in mind is a matter of luck and there are very less numbers of lucky people in the world. Therefore, if the range of expectations is wider, then it would be possible to find a person that suits you most.

Adult dating involves a lot of mystery regarding the next person, reaching point of intimacy takes time. Instead people today find casual sex enjoyable since it requires only two consenting adults. There is no obligation to continue later or requirement of dressing up for dating. Casual sex is alright for those who are not very interested in long term relationship.

People wanting to enter long term relationships should have patience and an attitude which does not take everything seriously at the very first date. Long term relationships require investing time, trust and compromise. Inability to do this will result into early turbulence in relationships. Though adult dating might not result into love that you might have experienced before, it would be unrealistic to expect the same amount of affection for this person.

There are many who enjoy adult dating as a way to socialize with people, dating allows you to meet like minded people, with whom you can discuss things and enjoy some time together. There are some who like to live life in the fast lane, therefore they start dating with more than one number of persons, it can be fun except when these are playing emotional games with the other person.

Overall, scene on adult dating does not seem as bad, whether you enjoy or not depends on you entirely, therefore, enjoy more and fret less, lesser the expectations lower will be the degree of disappointment.

How to Survive a First Date (and Guarantee a Second One)

First dates can be daunting but this article will offer a few tips for not only surviving a first date but also guaranteeing a second date. You can not only survive your first date but ensure a second one by carefully planning the date while remaining flexible, being tidy, polite and courteous, being relaxed and honest on your date, being committed to having a good time and sharing about yourself without monopolizing the conversation. These tips will help you survive your first date and also go a long way towards securing a second date.

Careful planning will help you to survive your first date and may lay the groundwork for a second date. Make sure you have planned out the date ahead of time and made arrangements to ensure that the date runs smoothly. On a first date it is best not to leave anything to chance or to rely on making on the spot decisions about what to do next because doing so can create uncomfortable moments on the date. Don’t just plan out what you would like to do on the date but also map out the best routes to arrive at your destinations and pre-arrange any necessary reservations so you don’t wind up not being able to find your destination or waiting a long time for an activity. While careful preparation before the date will ensure that everything runs smoothly and will eliminate any unnecessary tension on the date you may still need to remain flexible. Despite your best efforts, you may suffer a snag in your plans and being flexible and willing to adapt your plans will prevent you and your date from being frustrated on the date. Your date will be impressed that you went to so much trouble in planning the date and will be flattered by your efforts.

Key characteristics for surviving a first date include tidiness, politeness and courteousness. While these characteristics are important in any dating situation they are particularly important on a first date. This is your opportunity to make a first impression that your date will admire so go all out in trying to impress your date. Put extra effort into your personal appearance and strive to remain polite and courteous at all times during your first date. Showing your date that you respect them by taking pride in your appearance and treating them with respect will help you to not only survive a first date but also guarantee a second one.

If you want to survive a first date and guarantee a second one, it’s important to be relaxed and honest during your date. If you are tense or evasive during your date, your date may not trust you and will not be comfortable on the date or eager to go on a second date with you. If you try to be something you are not, your date will most likely see through your charade and will be put off by your dishonesty. Additionally, they most likely will not be interested in pursuing a second date. However if you relax during your date and are completely honest your personality will shine through and impress your date enough to entice them to be interested in a second date.

Committing to having a good time on your date will help you to survive a first date and guarantee a second date. If you go into a first date with apprehensions or prejudices you will find yourself not having a good time. It is extremely difficult to have a good time if you aren’t open to the experience. On the other hand if you are truly optimistic and are looking forward to your first date, you and your date will most likely wind up having a great time. Your optimism and attitude will be infectious and will ensure that both you and your date have a great time on the first date and are eager for a second.

Finally truly being interested in sharing details of your personal life and learning more about your date will ensure that you survive a first date. If you don’t open up to your date and show them who you really are, they will most likely not be interested in a second date with your or even sharing much about themselves on the first date. If you are not afraid to share personal information about yourself and are open to listening to what your date has to say, you will have a very successful first date.

Many singles find themselves nervous and apprehensive on a first date because they worry about how they will get through the date and whether or not this first date will lead to future dates. It’s okay to be nervous about a first date but following the advice in this article can enable you to not only survive a first date but also guarantee yourself a second date.

Online Dating Profiles That Bring Success

First impressions count, and when it comes to online dating your personal profile is a vital link between you and other singles. It's directly responsible for the level of response that you receive and your overall dating success.

You are the best, most interesting person in the world. You know that, but the rest of the world doesn't...yet. Your personal profile is the perfect chance to grab people's attention and show them who you are, the type of lifestyle that you lead and why they need to contact you right now. So here are a few things to bear in mind when the time comes to create your dating profile.

People browsing through dating sites fall into two categories, some look at the pictures, whereas others focus on the story that people have to tell. So if you want to attract the greatest number of people who are suited to you it's important to create an effective profile that includes the right words and pictures.

1) Look At Other Examples

Most dating sites provide free basic memberships, so once you sign up, check out some of the profiles just to get an idea of the way people write their personal profiles. When you see a profile that interests you take a few minutes to work out why it appeals to you. Before long you'll begin to develop an understanding of what makes a profile stand out from the crowd.

Once you've done that, take time to think about who you are and who to describe your life before you start writing.

2) Mak Shure U Spel Ur Profil Corectly

If your profile is full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors many people will just move on to the next person. After all, if you can't be bothered to make sure that your profile is spelt correctly it reflects badly on your attitude towards life.

And with all the spell checking software available on computers and the internet there's no excuse for posting a profile with sloppy spelling. If necessary, get a friend to read your profile and suggest any alterations before you post it online.

A well written profile that's easy to read will encourage people to continue reading and increase your chances of online dating success.

3) Be Positive

Dating is all about having fun and feeling good. How many people do you think will be eager to meet you if your profile is full of doom and gloom?

Anger, depression, selfishness, negativity and self-pity are all major turn offs for most people, and will send them straight to the next person's profile.

So make sure that your profile is positive and upbeat. One of the best ideas is to wait until you're in a good mood to write your dating profile. Think of all the good things in your life and be happy as you write about yourself. Stay positive and more people will want to contact you.

4) Be Specific

The idea of dating is to find someone special who is compatible with your personality and lifestyle. So if you have any requirements about who you want to meet, it's best to state them clearly in your profile. For example, if you want to meet someone who shares your religious beliefs or someone who is involved in the same sport, put this in your profile. And the more important it is to you put it nearer the top so that you attract the right type of people.

5) Honest Is Always The Best Policy

Make sure that everything you write in your profile is an accurate, albeit positive version of your life. Write about who you are, rather than who you think will attract the most people to your profile.

For example, if you claim that you're into rock climbing, but have never been up as much as a ladder, you'll have some tough questions to answer from people who have the same interests and have contacted you because of the contents of your dating profile.

Lies and exaggeration might work in the early stages, but ulltimately you're just wasting your time, because if you get to the stage where you meet they'll soon realise that you're not who they thought you were. They'll work out that you're a liar, it will be briefly embarrassing and then they'll walk out of your life forever.

At that point you'll finally realise it was a mistake to post the picture of a model and mention "your" Porsche in your profile.

So save yourself all that trouble and keep it real. In the long run you'll find it much easier and be more likely to find someone special if you tell the truth and allow them to fall in love with the real you.

6) Be Interesting

When you write about your lifestyle and your interests, it can be a difficult task to get the right balance. Obviously, you want to write enough to sound interesting and allow people to start to get to know you, but if you add too many items it might make you sound rather vain and full of your own importance.

So the best idea is to take a couple of your more interesting activities and expand upon them. But instead of making bare statements such as "I like outdoor activites", be more specific. "Hillwalking is one of my favorite activities" is better, but a more descriptive account sounds the most interesting.

For example, "I was walking in Scotland last month on Ben Nevis which is the highest peak in the UK. The mist was rolloing over the hills, but as I reached the summit the mist cleared to reveal the most breathtaking view of the sun against the mountain. If we get a chance to chat, I'll send you a photo of how it looked." Learn to think like the best writers - learn to show not tell.

And finally, make sure that you update your profile from time to time. This will reflect the changes in your life and help to provide a more accurate snapshop of your lifestyle.

Like everything worthwhile in life, online dating takes a little effort. But if you bear these tips in mind your personal mailbox will soon contain a message from someone special.

Romantic Date Ideas: Keeping It Simple

Romantic date ideas are being searched for all over the internet. The reason for the mass amount of searching for these keywords is because people in relationships are realizing how important it is to go out every once in a while, without the kids, without your friends, just you and your loved one. Doing this helps to keep the partners in a relationship close and focused on each other. The more one-on-one time you can spend with your loved one, the more time you will have to bond and to get more intimate with one another. What makes a romantic date you may ask. When you are thinking of this question, remember 3 simple ways to classify a romantic date. It is generally a romantic date idea if you are with your partner one-on-one, you get the chance to talk and learn about each other, and if you become closer because of it.

The first way to decide if a date is a romantic date idea is to ask the question are you alone with your date. There are situations where a date can be romantic with a group of people, but most of the time, you want a romantic date to be just the two of you. Having a family night where it is you, your partner, and your kids, or a friends’ night where you leave the kids with the sitter and go out with your friends are two great ways to bond with people you care a lot about. However, there are some times that you just have to explain to everyone that you need time out from everyone but that special person. This helps to bring a closeness that just doesn’t happen around other people.

Another way to determine the "romanticness" of a date is to know whether you will get the chance to talk and learn more about each other. Going on a roller coaster ride sounds like a very fun date, but it would not be the first date that I would classify as a romantic date idea. Screaming down a coaster track may be a way to have a great time, but romance might be lacking from the equation. If you were to go out to a dinner or a nice quiet picnic after the amusement park, that is a way to get romance into the situation. Laying on a blanket beneath the stars or eating over soft candlelight are two dates that first pop to mind when thinking of romance.

One other way to decide whether you have a romantic date idea is to determine whether you will be closer emotionally to your partner. A romantic date doesn’t have to be a fancy dinner and expensive wine. Romance can happen when you are eating hot dogs from a hot dog vendor in a park. It can happen shopping for groceries at a local supermarket. In other words, it is not the setting that determines whether a date is romantic or not. The outcome is much more important in concluding whether or not a date is romantic.

A romantic date idea is generally easy to recognize. First, you must be able to get alone with the one you love. This means, no kids, no friends, and no other family. Secondly, find out whether or not you will have a chance to talk and get emotionally closer to each other. The third thing that can help determine whether or not a date is romantic is the outcome of the date. When emotional closeness is the outcome of a date, no matter what other factors are involved the date has been successfully romantic.

Adult Dating: Great Way To Find Romance, Love And Much More!

Certain emotions in life are best while experiencing them, there is no dearth of opportunities available for experiencing these feelings. Adults unlike youngsters find it difficult to find love and romance again in their lives since they have already experienced these genuine feelings for someone else in their lives.

This is the reason why adult dating is so important, it gives all adults who may shy away from the opportunity, a chance to feel love and romance for some special person and experience it in a newer way. There are several adult dating sites online and millions of adults who are looking for partners of their choice are putting their profiles online.

Adult dating is fun as well as like an adventure, you will feel high amounts of excitement at the time of meeting some new person each time, each time you are bound to think is this the one for you. Some lucky persons might find that someone special at the very first go whereas some others might take some time in finding the special some one.

Adult dating has a huge number of options available, therefore it is extremely important that you do not get discouraged with certain initial dates, as time passes by you will find these interesting, not just that, you will also gain some experience and you will know whom to meet and whom to avoid.

You can start of by short-listing candidates based on interests, education, family background, geographical area, etc. if you want to avoid meeting people, you can chat on these online dating sites, you can also send in voice messages and check out for yourself how each one responds to your queries, this is an interesting way of find out the most eligible person for you.

You can date only those whom you find highly interesting and probable partners. You can keep your approach, casual or cautious whatever you believe in, however, it is most important that you do not start expecting too much out of your date in the very first go. It is also important that though you do not fall head-over-heels in love with the person, you should go ahead even if you like the person. There are quite some numbers of people who might not impress you in the first go, but would turn out to be extremely warm and interesting as you progress in your relationship.

Patience and perseverance is the key to success in adult dating, if you want a relationship that revolves around intimacy only, such candidates are available too, you will only require checking out all profiles and finding the perfect one for you. Adult dating is currently very much in vogue, since there are more and more numbers of separated families where each one is trying to find the most perfect person for them, so you can take a chance and search for the most perfect one there. Adult dating can be fun and thrilling.

Pick Up Artist Techniques

Sometimes the first thing guys want to do when they meet a girl is show her that they understand GAME.

They'll start talking about evolution, alpha males, how girls will always cheat on their boyfriends, how they know girls like intimacy more than guys etc.

From now on, I will refer to this nonsense as "The Talk of Death".

Let me explain why, and also give you a very counter-intuitive idea of what to do instead.

The kinds of things we learn in pick-up generally make very poor conversation topics with women. Especially hot ones.

It might work with the social anthropologist grad student, but to the girl that any man in his right mind would be attracted to, there are a few major things wrong with this strategy:

(BTW - if you do happen to run into a girl that loves this kind of stuff, by all means talk about it, I'm just saying it should not be used as an ATTRACTION strategy for most of the female population)

1. It puts her on the defensive. It's exactly like one country revealing it's battle plans to another country that it is at war with.

It shows that you are "thinking too much" about the dynamic, which not only is a huge turn off, but also makes her think you're going to be a mind-trip. Not good.

2. Chances are, her awareness level is about 10% of yours.

Especially if you're keeping up on my newsletters.

This is a concept called "Stepped Awareness".

Have you ever tried played a song you LOVED for a friend and they just didn't get it?

It's because their awareness didn't go through the same process that yours had - and resulted in you really liking the song...

To a girl who spends the majority of her time thinking about new shoes, celebrities and her problems with her boss, your talk about "the unique mating patters of the bonobo apes and how it relates to girls in the club" is just too alien and weird for her.

This is the same reason why you'll sometimes see the biggest AFC ever with a smoking hot girl. He's normal, and she can easily introduce him to her friends without embarrassment!

3. To a girl that DOES understand it; you talking about it make it seem like a big deal, when it should be plainly obvious.

5-10% of women actually DO get this stuff. It's obvious, intuitive and accepted for them.

These women tend to also like women, capable of open relationships, and generally a lot of fun.

But here's the thing - the guys they end up dating ALSO get this stuff intuitively.

And when you get something intuitively, you'll never go out of your way to convince another person of it, or explain it like it's some huge revelation!

So the minute you do, the girls who are most eligible for the lifestyle you're looking for, will automatically disqualify you.

So... What to do instead?

Well - one of the most powerful techniques I use is this:

**Understand society's programming, understand her specific programming, and appear to be under the exact same programming.**

Keep your knowledge of REALITY to yourself (and of course, if you figure out anything amazing, I would appreciate it if you share it on my forum as well)

You're going to see a big difference in your game.

And I want to be part of it.

Your Beauty & Image

La beaute' pour moi c'est la divinite' visible, c'est le bonheur palpable, c'est le ciel descendu sur terre." - Theophile Gautier

"Beauty, they say is but, skin-deep. That is quite deep enough to enslave mankind!"

It may be true that the feeling towards beauty is probably more highly developed in men than in women. For it is true, a man is often vanquished by a woman's look than by logic, by a pair of sexy legs than by good sense; by a little red dress than by her mental development or depth! This is to say, a man often judges a woman by her appearance! Between two attracted people, there may be many channels. (Three that are in universal use: are the eyes, the lips & the finger-tips. The greatest of these is the eyes!) *Warning: almost every woman is suspicious and jealous of any woman that opens a man's eyes!

That being said; if you want to attract the opposite sex - DO put some extra effort into your appearance! You do not have to be the most beautiful woman in a room but, do pay special attention to your skin, makeup, hair, diet & exercise. Keep some money aside for things like tanning, manicures & pedicures. Peruse the all the advice out there on grooming, dressing & creating the right wardrobe. It is a known fact that men are more physically attracted to girly girls! This doesn't mean you have to be the type of female who is obsessed with breaking a nail or getting her hair out of place but, it does mean: be a woman who looks like a woman!

To make a man stand up & really take notice - a woman needs that right combination of attractiveness, confidence & femininity. When I mention this 'right combination', I will also add; that you don't have to be a perfect 10 - or even a 7 (on the scale of looks) - to make a man stand up & take notice! One of the things you DO absolutely need is to to be a confident & feminine woman! The next thing that you should do is: learn how to skillfully apply your makeup (NEVER over do it!) & any other thing that enhances your natural beauty. Also, it is very important to the opposite sex that you are clean at all times & have good hygiene. This should go without saying but, men will tell you their horror stories if you ask them. A big bonus is smelling nice!

If you are admittedly a bit of a tomboy, maybe these suggestions will sound just a little 'high-maintenance' to you. Well, trying to be more feminine & spending a little more time on your appearance can be something that can really begin to work in your favor. This is because; in a man's mind, if YOU look good - HE looks good! This is just the way men think. A man feels proud when it is obvious to all that the woman by his side puts effort into her image. (Also, if you are single, you never know who you might bump into!)

So, where is a good starting point? Perhaps you could pick a model or celebrity; who's image you have previously admired. It is a good starting point as you now have someone who's style & look you can aspire to. Or you can go ahead and create your very own unique image, because - you are not afraid to showcase your own individual look! HOW you are looking will ultimately be showing men - & the world in general - how much (or how little) you are caring about yourself.

Here is a question that perhaps will never be settled: "How much value should be placed upon mere beauty?" For a man soon tires of mere beauty. In fact, a man (often an inconstant character), soon tires of mere anything!

A Question: What are the most highly effective beauty tips that a girl could ever get her hands on? How could you possibly transform yourself; so that you can look like a goddess? Answer: My book packed with far more than just your run-of-the-mill beauty tips - 'How To Look Like A Hollywood Love Goddess!'

Dating Tips :: Underground Secrets Revealed

Statistics prove that every 7 out of 10 men will be rejected when asking a women on a date.

The odds are stacked against us boys. Most men hope the women of their dreams is going to miraculously pop out of thin air and fall on their lap. I'm sorry to say i've wished for that for years myself with no such luck.

I finally got off my a** did some homework and found out how to approach women with amazing results.
If you keep with the same tired game that never worked before. How do you expect it will work for you in the future?

It wont!

Lets face it. Most men, when rejected, start to question themselves. Did my breath stink. Did I sound like a desperate loser spitting some game any girl could see right through? Am I out of her league? And the worst of all... I must be Ugly!

Don't trip. Thats a common insecurity that everyone (women and men) share. We're always on edge, wondering if we're good looking enough to get the women that we like.

What I'm about to reveal here, may shock the hell out of you. Here is goes.....

Looks Aren't That Important!!!

Notice I didn't say looks AREN'T important. I said looks aren't THAT important.

There's a difference.

Looks are important to an extent, but not as important as you may think. Most women have a lot of leeway in what they find attractive in a man, and this can be used to your advantage.

Many guys think girls look at men the way men look at women. When a man looks at a woman, he judges whether or not he's attracted to her based on her looks. If she's overweight, has the wrong hair color, if her breasts are too small, if her nose is too big... whatever it may be, the man may dismiss her completely, regardless of whether or not she's a really great girl.

Because men look at women that way, it's natural for men to assume that's how women look at us.

Women do take looks into account, but in the overall scheme of things, to women, looks play a smaller role in deciding whether they'll sleep with you than it does when it comes to men deciding if they'll sleep with a woman.

Whether your overweight and just not a Brad Pitt. There can be many other attributes in you that a women will find more appealing than just your looks.

A good thing to remember is. Women are emotional creatures.

What I mean here is they may immediately be attracted to a good looking guy because he makes her FEEL GOOD right away. But if that same good looking guy is mean, or dumb, or turns her off in other ways and makes her feel bad feelings, she may decide she really isn't attracted to him at all.

Also, factor in that not all women are attracted to the same type of guy. Just like all men aren't attracted to the same type of women. Some women may prefer short men, or men with long hair, or fat men, etc.

There are many ways to approach women. And there are many ways a women want to be approached. Just remember next time you hit the club. Don't just settle for what you "think" you can get. Go ahead and get what you want. You will be pleasently surprised with the results you will have.

Dating Tips :: Underground Secrets Revealed

Statistics prove that every 7 out of 10 men will be rejected when asking a women on a date.

The odds are stacked against us boys. Most men hope the women of their dreams is going to miraculously pop out of thin air and fall on their lap. I'm sorry to say i've wished for that for years myself with no such luck.

I finally got off my a** did some homework and found out how to approach women with amazing results.
If you keep with the same tired game that never worked before. How do you expect it will work for you in the future?

It wont!

Lets face it. Most men, when rejected, start to question themselves. Did my breath stink. Did I sound like a desperate loser spitting some game any girl could see right through? Am I out of her league? And the worst of all... I must be Ugly!

Don't trip. Thats a common insecurity that everyone (women and men) share. We're always on edge, wondering if we're good looking enough to get the women that we like.

What I'm about to reveal here, may shock the hell out of you. Here is goes.....

Looks Aren't That Important!!!

Notice I didn't say looks AREN'T important. I said looks aren't THAT important.

There's a difference.

Looks are important to an extent, but not as important as you may think. Most women have a lot of leeway in what they find attractive in a man, and this can be used to your advantage.

Many guys think girls look at men the way men look at women. When a man looks at a woman, he judges whether or not he's attracted to her based on her looks. If she's overweight, has the wrong hair color, if her breasts are too small, if her nose is too big... whatever it may be, the man may dismiss her completely, regardless of whether or not she's a really great girl.

Because men look at women that way, it's natural for men to assume that's how women look at us.

Women do take looks into account, but in the overall scheme of things, to women, looks play a smaller role in deciding whether they'll sleep with you than it does when it comes to men deciding if they'll sleep with a woman.

Whether your overweight and just not a Brad Pitt. There can be many other attributes in you that a women will find more appealing than just your looks.

A good thing to remember is. Women are emotional creatures.

What I mean here is they may immediately be attracted to a good looking guy because he makes her FEEL GOOD right away. But if that same good looking guy is mean, or dumb, or turns her off in other ways and makes her feel bad feelings, she may decide she really isn't attracted to him at all.

Also, factor in that not all women are attracted to the same type of guy. Just like all men aren't attracted to the same type of women. Some women may prefer short men, or men with long hair, or fat men, etc.

There are many ways to approach women. And there are many ways a women want to be approached. Just remember next time you hit the club. Don't just settle for what you "think" you can get. Go ahead and get what you want. You will be pleasently surprised with the results you will have.

Dating success approaching

What date is success? I had put this question because I recently conceived a program around dating and I am asking myself how much answers there could be. for example , is it meaning that you are lucky and find the people that youdreams, getting married and having a happy life since then? Does it mean that the date of yours will make a nice friend but not the one in love or it means that they would be perfect for your companion? When I raised the quetion to a married friend ,he answered “date success? My wife not discovering! quickly he added that it joked and said that if he dating again it would be one pleasant evening with a people knowing that what he really like to see again.

Perhaps the negotiation of your way on the Internet and to go for a speed dating could considered as a success in oneself - which dies out really there! I know that people find the person whom they are looking for using both,however I also have heard many talks of disappointment and rejection feelings of the friends.
No matter what is the dating success means for you,it is a great idea to have the following tips in your mind when you date.

1. To be sure that you remember what success is for you when you hang out with somebody - has an object for the evening.

2. If you really hate speed dating, for example, to wonder whether it is really worth getting yourself through and thinking of whatcould be the ideal manner when you meet somebody.

3. If you want to meet somebody who get you, not to be diverted by the fabulous looking of the person whom you met without the humour sence indeed.

4. If it is really matter for you that one person shares a pastime or a hobby, for example reading, and the favourite read of theirs is WELL and hello, to think whether it matches what you seek.

5. Working on your confidence thus you can face it when you rises and downs of date.

Get Creative Wtih Date Ideas

Creative date ideas are searched for all over the internet. People are always looking for new and exciting ways to entertain their loved ones on dates. The run of the mill date ideas like dinner and a movie are great; however, they seem to be a bit overdone. What really goes a long way toward impressing a potential partner is a person who knows how to make a date fun and unique. Dinner and a movie is fine every now and then, but for the frequent casual dates that couples go on, something different and more exciting is a better idea. There are several ways to keep dates interesting and never boring.

One way to keep creative date ideas exciting is to search on the internet and take advice from others who have creative date ideas. There are tons of date ideas to go on available on the internet. If you are uncomfortable with taking someone’s idea outright, look up a few on the internet and combine certain aspects of them. This way you will be able to put your own twist on the dates. Also, sometimes looking at other people’s date ideas can help you spark a creative idea of your own. Use the internet as a tool that because it is available for your use.

Another way to make sure your dates are never boring is to come up with creative date ideas together with your loved one. Dates are going to be much more mutually enjoyable if you both have a hand in planning them. If one specific person is the only one who gets to decide on the date ideas and the other person constantly has to be the only one who compromises, dates will become less enjoyable, and the person who never gets to decide will become resentful of his or her partner. Equal input will definitely make the dating process. If you are in an “opposites attract” kind of situation, and you have a hard time agreeing on an idea, take turns. Keep track of the weeks and whose turn it is and swap turns every week. This way, each partner compromises equally.

One final way to make sure your creative date ideas do not get too routine is to make a list of your many date ideas and make sure you rotate them. It is ok to do things more than once in your lifetime. It is sometimes even a lot of fun to be a “regular” somewhere like a restaurant or other establishment. However, doing the same thing all the time can definitely get tedious. This is the exact thing you are trying to avoid. By rotating your date ideas, depending on how many times you go out per week and how many date ideas you come up with, you should not have any problems repeating dates in a short period of time.

Whatever creative date ideas you decide on as a couple, always remember the simple ways to keep your date ideas interesting. Use the internet as the tool that it is to help you come up with your own date ideas, create date ideas with your loved one, and make a list of your date ideas and keep them rotating. By adhering to this advice, you can keep your love life exciting and spontaneous.

Online Dating Liars - How To Spot Them

Successful relationships are based on trust and mutual respect. If you don't have these qualities you don't have a relationship. But how can you tell whether someone you meet online is lying to you?

Well, if the full extent of your contact is limited to emails, website messages and IMs, that doesn't give you much to work with, but there are still certain signs that you can look for.

You're chances of spotting a liar are greatly increased if you communicate through voice chat or even better video chat. But the best chance of catching out a liar is when you meet them in person as this allows your to watch their body language.

Although the person is consciously telling you one thing, their body will be subconsciously telling you something else, unless you've met an extremely good liar.

Number One: Movement (works for video chat and face to face meetings)

In general, when someone's just told you a whopper, they tend to get restless and twitchy. They make more micro movements such as shuffling their feet, or shifting their weight on the chair.

They may also make other subconscious self affirming gestures such as rubbing their ear lobe or touching the bridge or their nose (it's comforting because the hand partially obscures eye contact).

Number Two: Eye Contact (works for video chat and face to face meetings)

It's commonly said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and this is certainly true when it comes to lying.

When most people tell a lie, they find it difficult to maintain eye contact. It's almost as if they're frightened that you'll see through their lie if you can look them in the eye.

In contrast, people who have told the truth have nothing to hide and are able to maintain better levels of eye contact.

So if you have an inkling that your online date is fibbing, look them straight in the eye as you talk to them. If they struggle to meet your gaze, they might have something to hide.

Number Three: Details (works for video chat, voice chat, email, IM and face to face meetings)

Another problem that liars tend to have is the amount of detail that they add to their stories. Either they gloss over the story surrounding their lie, giving the barest of details, or they over compensate and provide too many details (almost as if they're trying to convince themselves that what they're saying is the truth).

Number Four: Conflicting Stories (works for video chat, voice chat, email, IM and face to face meetings)

And finally, if a person keeps telling you lies, they will eventually back themselves into a corner or forget what they've already told you and contradict themselves.

So if you suspect that someone online is hiding the truth from you, keep probing and you might find out more than you expect.

Ask them questions about the issue. Try and get them to give you more details. Reluctance to back up their story is a good sign that they're not being 100% truthful. If they skirt around the issue or try to change the subject, make a mental note and go back to it later, rephrasing your question and approaching the subject from a different angle.

If you start to close in on a lie, the other person may become more animated and provide too many details in an attempt to make their story sound believable. If they do this, look out for pauses in their speech where they might be trying to buy some time to create a cover story off the top of their head.

Alternatively, you may find that the other person becomes defensive, asking you why you want to know so much or even accusing you of not trusting them. These are strong signs that they've got something to hide.

People don't like getting caught out when telling lies, so they'll go to extraordinary lengths to avoid this happening. But if they won't tell you any more or their stories just don't add up, you've got a major decision to make.

Do you want to continue developing a relationship with someone who lies to you?

Relationships are nothing without trust. And once you start to question whether someone is lying to you, the outlook for the relationship is bleak as you'll always be wondering whether they're telling you the truth.

Is that the type of life and relationship that you want?

Online Dating Liars - How To Spot Them

Successful relationships are based on trust and mutual respect. If you don't have these qualities you don't have a relationship. But how can you tell whether someone you meet online is lying to you?

Well, if the full extent of your contact is limited to emails, website messages and IMs, that doesn't give you much to work with, but there are still certain signs that you can look for.

You're chances of spotting a liar are greatly increased if you communicate through voice chat or even better video chat. But the best chance of catching out a liar is when you meet them in person as this allows your to watch their body language.

Although the person is consciously telling you one thing, their body will be subconsciously telling you something else, unless you've met an extremely good liar.

Number One: Movement (works for video chat and face to face meetings)

In general, when someone's just told you a whopper, they tend to get restless and twitchy. They make more micro movements such as shuffling their feet, or shifting their weight on the chair.

They may also make other subconscious self affirming gestures such as rubbing their ear lobe or touching the bridge or their nose (it's comforting because the hand partially obscures eye contact).

Number Two: Eye Contact (works for video chat and face to face meetings)

It's commonly said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and this is certainly true when it comes to lying.

When most people tell a lie, they find it difficult to maintain eye contact. It's almost as if they're frightened that you'll see through their lie if you can look them in the eye.

In contrast, people who have told the truth have nothing to hide and are able to maintain better levels of eye contact.

So if you have an inkling that your online date is fibbing, look them straight in the eye as you talk to them. If they struggle to meet your gaze, they might have something to hide.

Number Three: Details (works for video chat, voice chat, email, IM and face to face meetings)

Another problem that liars tend to have is the amount of detail that they add to their stories. Either they gloss over the story surrounding their lie, giving the barest of details, or they over compensate and provide too many details (almost as if they're trying to convince themselves that what they're saying is the truth).

Number Four: Conflicting Stories (works for video chat, voice chat, email, IM and face to face meetings)

And finally, if a person keeps telling you lies, they will eventually back themselves into a corner or forget what they've already told you and contradict themselves.

So if you suspect that someone online is hiding the truth from you, keep probing and you might find out more than you expect.

Ask them questions about the issue. Try and get them to give you more details. Reluctance to back up their story is a good sign that they're not being 100% truthful. If they skirt around the issue or try to change the subject, make a mental note and go back to it later, rephrasing your question and approaching the subject from a different angle.

If you start to close in on a lie, the other person may become more animated and provide too many details in an attempt to make their story sound believable. If they do this, look out for pauses in their speech where they might be trying to buy some time to create a cover story off the top of their head.

Alternatively, you may find that the other person becomes defensive, asking you why you want to know so much or even accusing you of not trusting them. These are strong signs that they've got something to hide.

People don't like getting caught out when telling lies, so they'll go to extraordinary lengths to avoid this happening. But if they won't tell you any more or their stories just don't add up, you've got a major decision to make.

Do you want to continue developing a relationship with someone who lies to you?

Relationships are nothing without trust. And once you start to question whether someone is lying to you, the outlook for the relationship is bleak as you'll always be wondering whether they're telling you the truth.

Is that the type of life and relationship that you want?

Learn How Women Communicate

We all know that this world is full of women, but all are different. It is said that it is very hard to understand women that's why here are some
true statements about how they communicate that you can learn from and see how it applies to your girlfriend, wife or other woman you know.

Women don’t need to have a particular reason to talk; they like to talk because it creates connection.

So they always want to have near them someone who wants to listen and talk with them. Also, women use talking as a way to release tension. There
are a lot of conflicts inside a couple about communication because, for women, talking something out over and over again eventually dissipates the stuck energy around it.

They hate being told to get over it, that you don't have time to listen. If rambling conversation drives you crazy or you don’t have a lot of time
let her know what time you do have and give her the attention. You should listen to her without trying to find a point or solution.

Women express their thinking and feeling process out loud. Hearing themselves talk helps women get clear on what is going on inside of them. The process of expressing their thoughts out loud actually allows them to figure out what they’re thinking and feeling. So you should be a good
listener and show that you are interested in what she thinks and feel. They don't like the men which enjoy having a specific purpose for he onversation.

Women communicate with details. They love details;that’s why a woman’s interest in the details about your life is not an attempt to interrogate you or invade your privacy and their habit of sharing the details of their life is not an attempt to take up too much of your time. Rather,they are trying to connect. If you want to surprise her try to make some remarks using some
details for example the way she is dressed, the color of her eyes...

Women minimize how upset they are. In order to keep the peace, women often don’t express how upset they really are. They don’t stand up for themselves, and they downplay the severity of their dissatisfaction.

When they said that are alright but still look upset, they are still upset. If you take the time to try to get a woman to say what she really feels, that attempt alone will actually make her feel better because she knows you cared enough totry.

They don't like the men which, in order to avoid a confrontation take her answer literally and leave it when she says that is fine but still look upset. They love to insist and find out what she really think and try to make her feel better.

Show her that you care and it is important to you her happiness.

In general, they like to have a lot of friends (I mean girlfriends) with whom to share all their thoughts, dreams and secrets which a man would never understand. Most of them don't feel secure to have an open talk with their partner and to be completely honest like she is with her friends.

So women are well aware that most of the time they are a profound ysteryo men.

The Rebound: An Emotional Hazard

A relationship is one of life’s greatest gifts and pleasures. The break up of a relationship is one of life’s greatest disappointments and heartaches. Getting over that break up is definitely a lot easier said than done. Many people fall into the trap of trying to get over an ex by starting to date someone new. This is what is called in the dating world a rebound. For several reasons a rebound is not a good idea, as a general rule. The first reason is that usually when people date someone on the rebound, they are trying to replace their ex. The next reason is that if you realize you are not over your ex, you can end up hurting the person you just started dating. Another reason is that moving on with a new person right away doesn’t allow you to truly heal.

The first reason that dating on the rebound is not usually a good idea is that when you find someone new, you have a tendency to try to replace your ex right away, rather than just find someone to spend time with. You could unwittingly be mistaking residual feelings about your ex for feelings toward a new person. Many times, a rebound relationship will go too far too quickly. You might find yourself in a serious relationship before you realize what is going on. A quick and immediate serious relationship right after the demise of a serious relationship is definitely not a good thing.

Another reason rebound relationships are an emotional hazard is because if you realize that you are not over your ex and want to end your new relationship, it can wreak havoc with the feelings of the new person you are dating. You have thus proceeded to, whether intentionally or not, break the heart of your new companion. Leading someone on when you are still hooked on or hurt from another relationship is definitely not a nice thing to do.

One more reason to take your time getting back into the dating scene is that most people need time to heal after a long term relationship ends. Moving on immediately can be emotionally unhealthy. It is always a good idea to immerse yourself in spending time with friends and family that care about you, but moving on to a different dating partner may not be the best thing. Besides spending time around people who care about you, get to know yourself as a single person. You may have been part of a couple for a long time. Get to know who you are as an individual again.

For these reasons, it is clear that dating on the rebound is not a bright idea. There are many things that can go wrong when you jump straight from one relationship immediately into another. Instead of rebounding into a relationship that may not be healthy, stop, take a deep breath, and spend some quality time with yourself. Think about when you think you will feel comfortable in a new relationship. Think about whether you even want another serious relationship in the near future or whether you want to spend time with many different people for awhile. Think about the kind of person you would want to be in a relationship with. Just take time out for you instead of getting trapped into the emotion hazard of rebounding.

What Do Women Want From Men

It's no secret that men and women are different. It is no news that they look for different things
in a relationship. They all want different things,different men for their different personalities.
What do women want from men? There are as many answers as there are types of women: young, old, fat, skinny, talkative, quiet, beautiful, not so beautiful.

One thing that is clear is that everyone looks for a perfect relationship. Men are remarkable by
their caution and carefulness. Women though are much more fussy. When it comes to choosing men,they not only have a greater list of requirements, they're also keen to make the effort to help the guy change. But despite their striving for talking things through, most men still struggle
to understand exactly what women need to be happy with them.

What do women want? They just want to be happy like us. They just have a different way to show it. If you learn their language, listen when you’d rather speak, hug instead of just walking away, tell the truth till it hurts, be a man she can depend on and love her like you love yourself.
You’ll no longer ask what women want, they’ll be asking you what you want and give it to you.

Here are some true things that we can say safely women want from men.

Value. Women want to know that their man is someone other women would want. They want a
certain "gotta have" quality about their man.This is why, when we go out with a girlfriend,
women give us looks and always seem more interested. It’s annoying but true: the easiest
way to get a girl, is to have one already!Structure. A woman wants stability, balance, a
sense of order. She wants someone she can rely on.You say you’re going to be home at 9:00, you be home at 9:00. You are late? Call. The hardest thing for us guys is to differenciate between
support and total control. Creating a foundation and stability doesn’t mean trying to solve all
the problems to the point you disempower the one you love. Your love is not a crutch but a bond. A bond where dependability is synonymous with trust.

Security. Women want to feel safe with a man.They want to know that everyting’s gonna be all
right. This doesn’t mean you have to be huge and strong, or have millions in the bank. It just
means you have to talk reassuringly to her, look after her safety, and assure her when she needs
it that things are going to be OK.

Love . Love them most of all. Let it all out. Let it all out every day, every minute of every
second of every day. Be love, crawl up inside of it and approach every problem with the question
what would love do now? If you do this, fear will never enter your life.

Appreciation. Women DO want to feel appreciated.They just don’t want to be obsessed over. Guys,show interest in a woman, and make her feel beautiful and wanted - but don’t slave over her and make her feel like you can’t live without her.That’s just pathetic, and drives women away.

Don’t lie. A woman can forgive a lot of things but she won’t put up with a snake in the grass
liar. If once she caught you that you lied her she would never have more trust in you. Lie to a
woman you are dissing her. Tell the truth, you live to play another day.

Hug her. Hug her in the morning, hug her before you leave to work, e-mail her a hug and hug her ten times when you get home. You must make her feel loved and protected.

Smile. Women don't like boring men .Be someone who smiles, who doesn't take life too seriously,
who lets loose. That shows a lot more value than a guy who’s stiff and serious - even if he is
good looking or wealthy.

A woman want a man with a purpose. It's not necessary to have a lot of money and a great car
but they do want to be headed towards success.They do want to living up to your potential.

So, as a summary women like to be understood,happiness, respect and they also want honesty.
But, as the time goes by, the woman wishes change because she is setting new goals. Why men can’t figure women out is because they are a masterpiece in progress.

4 Steps to Help Heal a Broken Heart

Heartbreak is a pain like any other. It is an emotional pain so bottomless that it can feel like a physical blow. When you have a pain like this one, all you want is for the deep ache to go away. As much as I’d like to advise differently, there is no band aid for a broken heart. Though it sounds cliché, time is the remedy needed for you to truly heal from such a deep, wrenching pain. In time, this pain will go away. Between now and then, however, following a few basic tips might be able to make the difference in how you are feeling.

1. Cry: You are going to feel like rubbish for the first few weeks. Depending how emotional of a person you are, you may feel like crying for days. Go ahead. A significant change has occurred in your life; a painful change. There is no way to expect that you will feel a little sadness and be able to shut it off with a switch. It’s just not that simple. Allow yourself to grieve for your loss. But not too long! Staying in the past for too long can only hurt you. See rule number 4.
2. Talk to Someone Close: Use the shoulder of someone who cares about you to get out your feelings. This is a way to purify your soul by letting someone in to share your pain. Let them listen, comfort you, and offer advice. You don’t necessarily have to take that advice, but sharing this comfort can make you feel better. Make sure you only allow yourself to grieve and lean on someone for a time because you need to move forward.
3. Distract Yourself: Bring friends you care about back into your life. Maybe having the relationship was keeping you from spending time with your parents, or siblings. Maybe you hadn’t talked to your best friend in weeks. Surround yourself with this support network. Getting things that need to be done around the house done is a great way to get lost in a project. Go to the gym. Organize your closet. Get out and take a walk. Distracting yourself is a great stepping stone to moving on with your life. This brings us to rule number 4.
4. Look toward the Future; Forget the Past: Once you have allowed yourself the indulgence of grieving for a part of your life that is now past, look forward! There is a definite need to be able to start a new chapter in the book of your life. Now that you are past the sadness and anger, it is time for hope and renewal that will help you to move on. Take time out for yourself; get to know yourself as a single individual instead of as part of a couple. Replenish your soul by becoming you again.

Following these sometimes difficult, but necessary steps, you can begin to heal the broken pieces of your heart. You can not only become whole again, you can become whatever you wish to become. This is a chance to start fresh, and once the pain starts to ease, you will see it as such an opportunity.