Thursday, May 10, 2007

5 Critical Promotion Mistakes People Make With Articles

Did you realize that writing and publishing articles onlinerepresents one of the best-kept website traffic secrets?
It's true! In fact, if you learn some basic principles, youcan drive thousands of visitors to your website withoutspending any money on advertising. Publishing articles notonly establishes you as an expert in your chosen field, butalso allows you to fly under the natural "radar defenses"your prospects have against advertising.

But, beware! My experience as a syndicated newspapercolumnist has shown me that people who would otherwisesucceed massively promoting with articles actually failbecause they consistently make one or more of these fivecritical mistakes!

Mistake #1 - NOT Defining Your Target Audience
Many article authors make the serious mistake of notclearly defining a niche audience before writing theirarticle. Successful article authors always know the exact"niche" audience they want to reach before they write thefirst word.

When targeting your audience, remember this rule: Narrowand Deep! Always pick an audience with a specific,pressing, or major interest in a narrow topic!

Mistake #2 - Spamming Ezine Editors
In their desire to cover as much ground as possible, manyarticle authors resort to spam techniques for submittingtheir articles. Instead of tightly targeting appropriateezines that cater specifically to their audience, theseauthors try to hit "everyone."

By trying to save time, they actually waste every minutespent writing their article because most ezine editors willjust delete their submissions as spam!

Mistake #3 - Milktoast Topics
You can write the best article in the world, but if yourheadline doesn't grab a reader's eyeballs and pull theminto your article - you lose!

Article authors should spend at least half as much timewriting the headline as they spend writing their actualarticle.

In fact, an "average" article can get superior resultssimply from having a great headline at the beginning.

Mistake #4 - "What's In It For Me"
If they manage to make it past the first 3 pitfalls, manyarticle authors trip on their shoelaces at this stage ofthe process! Don't write about what you want to writeabout, only write on topics of high interest to your targetaudience.

In other words, give them exactly what they want and theywill love you. Nobody cares how much of an expert you rateon a particular topic until they know you can deliverinformation they need in a way they can use - now!

Mistake #5 - "No Shoe Polish"
You could write an article worthy of the front page of theWall Street Journal, but as soon as somebody spots a typoor misspelling, they immediately put your article lowerthan a Sunday sales circular.

Seriously, if you want to undermine all the good you can dowith a great article, send it out without proper spell-checking!

No matter what product or service you sell, once youunderstand the promotion power of free articles, you'llnever look at website traffic generation the same way.

But remember, if you abuse the power, spam ezine editors,or blatantly pitch people instead of providing realinformationArticle Search, you might as well skip the whole processaltogether.


Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-
author of an amazing new ebook, "Turn Words Into Traffic,"
that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly
drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or
affiliate link!

Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to
your website for weeks, even months... without spending a
dime on advertising!

Writing Articles - Avoid These Mistakes

Not writing articles yet? You really should try it, if you want a lot of free traffic to your web site. A simple "Top Ten..." Or "Six Mistakes" type of article can be written by anyone. When you're ready to start writing, avoid the following common mistakes people make when writing and submitting articles.

1. Too short. If it won't fill a page, webmasters won't want it. Write articles of at least 200 words.

2. Too long. Articles that are too long won't be picked up by newsletters or most web sites. Keep it under 700 words.

3. Poor Title. "Air Safety Information," could be the best article on air-safety ever written, and "I Survived A Plane Crash" the worst, but the latter would still get more readers. Get their attention with the title, or they'll never know how good your article is.

4. No keywords in the title. If you call your story about Barrow, Alaska, "Ten Days In Hell," people looking for information on Alaska won't find it in the search engines, and won't know from the title that they may want to read it.

5. Too many links. If you have several links in the article, webmasters and newsletter publishers won't want to use it. Who wants a their website visiters to have more non-paying ways to leave? Two links may be okay at times, but I find it's best to have just one link to your website, and keep it in the author's resource box.

6. No "hook". The point of writing articles is to get traffic to your web site, so you have to invite the reader to visit. At least precede the link in your resource box with "To learn more, visit..." It's even better if you leave them hangingFree Articles, like I do here by mentioning that there are more mistakes covered in my newsletter.


Steve Gillman writes on many money-related topics. To learn more, and to subscribe for FREE to "Web Site Optimization Secrets," go to:

The Time is Here: Now you can Post Articles with ease

Posting articles to article directories is vital to your on line health and traffic. Now it has become easier than ever.

The Time is Here: Now you can Post Articles with ease
After almost one year in the making, Article Submitter Pro launched Aug 23, 2005.

Easy to Use, and almost fully automatic, this article submission software is already rated as the most effective viral and time saving Article Tool on the market.

What makes this such an important announcement! Well it's this.. If you ever posted articles to article directories (submission sites), then you know what a laborious task it is. So as a result, you end up doing like I was doing , only submitting to a very few sites.

So the net result is that you lost all the exposure you should have been getting from hundreds of other submission sites. What's the big deal anyway, you say!

Perhaps you're not fully aware of the enormous viral power of having your srticles spread out all over the Net? Let me give just one quick example from my own experience.

In a period of only 6 months I posted 14 articles to only 8 submission sites. Other people then picked up my articles and are using them on their web sites and in their newsletters.

Of course my name is on all of them, along with my web site. My name also appears on a few pages on my web site, which today has 248 pages of good content.

Now to see the effect all this is having in just 6 months, do a search on Google for "Fred Farah" in quotes of course. 6 months ago "Fred Farah" showed up 200 times. Not impressive right? Right!

Well now, only 6 months later Google finds my name over 11,000 times, and Yahoo over 8,100. Are these pages all mine? I believe that 98 to 99% are me.

Am I telling you this to brag? No, not really (even though I am very proud of it). The real purpose is to prove to you how truly powerful it is to post articles. And remember that I only used 8 submission sites.

Imagine how this is going to change dramatically, now that I am using Article Submitter Pro. I will post to dozens of sites, maybe 100 or more, and will benefit immensely from the powerful viral effect it will bring.

Enough of this. If you need more proof check out the tons of benefits listed on the web site. Read it, and you can thank me later, after you get your name up "in lights".

See you at Article Submitter Pro

Need more Convincing on the Importance of Articles? Then go to these Links and read more...

Write Articles to get traffic By Jim Edwards
Don't Forget to Write Articles By Rosalind Gardner

Article SubmitterPsychology Articles, a Valuable Marketing Tool By Ken Nadreau and Fred Farah
Fred Farah


Fred Farah is a long time business man who is now an affilia lte marketer. Check out the best affiliate products at:
It's all about affiliate marketing to niche markets.
Lots to learn from the Niche Madness 7-day eCourse, as well as the Niche Market Strategies newsletter.