Thursday, June 14, 2007

Staying Safe on a Date

Plan Your First Date Well

OK, so you think that you've found your Mr. Wonderful. Well you may just be right but, in reality, you've never met this guy or heard of him before you started to cyber chat!

So, it's the old adage of:

''It's better to be safe than sorry.''a

Make sure that your first date is in a public place so that there are a lot of people about.

Ideally it needs to be during the day in daylight - so there's no possibility of getting into uneasy situations in dark corners.

Let A Friend Know Your Plans

Let someone know what your plans are in terms of place of meeting, time of date, who you are meeting and what time you expect the date to be over.

Phone them before your date and immediately after - so that they know that you're OK.

This communication is important.

Your friend will probably be the only person who will know where you are and who you are with.

Listen To The Conversation Very Carefully

During your conversation, you need to listen to the gist of what's being said. Make sure that what you're hearing is the same as what was said to you before you actually met.

If it doesn't add up, then make your apologies and exit.

You've been lied to and you need to end the date.

Drink Wisely

No, I'm not talking about getting blind drunk - that's common sense...particularly with someone that you've never met before.

I'm referring to being aware of the danger of someone 'spiking' your drink without you knowing it.

The are drugs out there that can have terrible affects on people and allow things to happen that you don't know about at the time.

Never leave the table with some drink in your glass.

Get a fresh drink on your way back to the table and never, ever, drink from a glass that you left before.

Everything Goes OK

So far we've looked at situations that could occur where things don't go right. But, and hopefully, when things go right you need to organise how and when you're going to contact each other again.

After you leave, make sure that you phone your friend to let them know that everything went OK. Tell them that you are on your way home or to where you told your friend you were going after your date.

Send your date a 'thank you' email and start to think about whether you, or your date, will want to go on a second date.