Thursday, June 14, 2007

How To Write Attention Getting Personal Ads

Now that you've decided to enter the dating game, do you expect your perfect partner to just come and find you?

Well, if you do, then you're in for a rude awakening.

You've just entered an arena containing millions of people who are after exactly the same as you!

So, you need to be able to stand out - and you do that by producing a personal ad that jumps out at the people that you want it to.

People forget that 'ad' actually means 'advertisement' and, like anything that is being advertised, you must make it stand out and be noticed.

Just follow the guidelines below, but it'll probably take more than one attempt to get your ad right, and you'll soon be able to put together an ad that jumps out at the right people.

Honesty Is The Best Policy

Don't underestimate the intelligence of the people reading your personal ad. You won't meet anyone if you blow the description of yourself out of all proportion.

Be honest!

Honesty is the one quality that people will be looking for in you. Who is going to believe:

'I have a personal fortune of £100,000,000 and am seeking someone, anyone, who I can share it with. You'll have my total attention and gifts will abound.'

People are not stupid - particularly people who have been involved in the online dating game for a while.

So, that's the information about yourself.

But your personal ad. is not just about you. It's also about defining the type of person that you're looking for.

In your personal ad, you need to be very specific about the qualities that you're looking for in your perfect partner. Make it easy for someone to relate to your statements and recognise 'that's who I am.'

Specific Information

Avoid putting in your ad. information such as your telephone number and home address.

But you certainly need to put in your personal interests, hobbies, job, etc. These make you a 'real person' that people reading your ad. can relate to - and stimulate their interest in you as a person.

First Impressions Are Important

Like any ad, the headline is the first thing that draws someone into your 'copy'

Make it punchy but honest!

Make the headline concentrate on your one most important quality that will benefit the person that you're seeking. Focus on the quality that most appeals to the type of person that you're looking for.

As well as the headline making a solid first impression so must your ability to communicate accurately.

I'm not talking about being honest here, like earlier, but about grammar.

Make sure that you spell correctly and use correct grammar. When you've put your ad. together check it and re-check it for mistakes. No one will want to meet up with someone who comes over as 'sloppy' right from the start.