Friday, June 29, 2007

Start Your Own Business - An Online Dating Service

What exactly means having your own business ?

To own a business means having a lot of advantages as a result of a small investment.
What you should know is that: your advantages are exponentially related to the amount of money invested.

Let me point out the biggest advantage which is: being your own boss.
Does this sound familiar?
- Bosses have no time for explanations and therefore they indicate what is right?
- Work, work, work always so others can enjoy their freedom?
- You have no power in the decision making process?
- And there’s always the thought that you CAN do BETTER!
Making this last phrase become true is only a few clicks away!

You will receive answers for some important questions:

1. Where did my life go by starting my own business?
In time, you will become your own MANAGER. This is probably one of the most important decisions you’ll take in your entire life. Usually society avoids offering its members the opportunity to take such a decision. This happens naturally since almost everybody is interested in finding an employee and not an equal fellow citizen. Hmm... interesting!!!

2. Why did I decide for a dating website?
The big advantage is that you’ll see how things go in this area. That means that you’ll find out how you can keep a good relation going and especially how can you NOT create a relationship ( almost 80% of the earth’s population act more towards not creating a relationship ).
Practically speaking, managing a dating website will help you get a better picture of human relations and will improve your social life.

Q: What will I get for me with these ?
The first thing, after purchasing and installing the software, should be: create your own business cards. ( decide who you want to be, because in your own company/business you can be anything you like ! ). And another think that you should take in consideration: “So many options have appeared only by purchasing a dating software!” ( You’d better get used with the idea, the multiple options idea, because it will happen often ).

Q: What will people feel when they meet me?
First of all the business cards will make you different. The fact that you are acting in such a delicate field will create the image of somebody who owns status, power, information; somebody who knows what she/he wants. (However you’d better give it a real try instead of just reading these words!!! )

I recommend the latest version of Match Agency BiZ - Dating Software . That means that you will have the benefit provided by the 3 years of experience from the Datetopia dating software development team. This software is created to satisfy all the needs required for a good niche dating website. Just take a look at the features provided by this software package ( You can also find here a price and feature comparison between MAB and other similar software packages. We did this for you so you can save time! ) : Compare Match Agency BiZ with Other Good Dating Software Packages .

Q: Are there any other advantages that could arise from my collaboration with Datetopia?
A: One of our mottos is: “No matter how good our software is, we will bring something even better in the market in 1 to 3 months”.
Currently our ongoing projects include developing the service part in the dating area. The target of this project is to satisfy your members.

Q: What do we mean by services?
The new packages contain: articles, courses, newsletters and a helping guide for the website end users.
In other words the purpose of the service is to attract and satisfy your users.

Last but not least I’m giving you some clues about the main topics:
• NLP ( Neuro-Linguistic Programming )
• Communication skills
• Manipulation
• Seduction
• Persuasive techniques
• Dating examples ( how to … )

We are making all this efforts so that you can say very soon:
“All that’s left for me to do in this business is to make sure that I take my money on time !!!”