Friday, June 29, 2007

The American Native and the Power of the Internet

The development of the internet has made it possible for many American subcultures, in particular the American Native, to grow stronger as a community by enabling the sharing of information. As a subculture, the Native American Indian is a strong force in the United States. Their culture is well-established in the folklore of the American West and in the history books of our country. The internet has helped the American Native to grow stronger as a community by establishing important communication links.

One of the most displaced American populations historically is the Native American population. Spread across the United States from their original homelands, the American Native has found himself tied to reservations established by the federal government or spread across new lands.

Much of the Native American culture remains intact in the American West, while in some areas, it barely survives. Many tribes still meet regularly to discuss traditions, relate news, and to share as one community. Like many other subcultures around the world, the American Native is using the internet to help maintain culture and community.

Chat rooms, message boards, user groups, and dating services all exist online unique to the American Native community. Through these outlets, Native Americans have built a stronger and more powerful community in recent years. Since the internet connects Native Americans from all over the country, communication has become easier and more probable.

Native American chat rooms allow individuals to discuss community happenings, create forums, and share information about traditional events easily and conveniently. The website: provides chat rooms, message boards, and BBoards concerning many American Native topics. From these Native American chat rooms, people can discuss political news, learn about upcoming events, make announcements, and discuss new legal developments.

Matchmaking websites for the Native American community also exist. These websites offer Native Americans a chance to meet and date other members of their community. This type of matchmaking is particularly helpful for those Native Americans who reside outside of a reservation or in a city without large American Native population. Sites like offer Native American singles the chance to meet other singles and hopefully establish a long-lasting relationship.

The internet has also helped the Native American community by disseminating important information. For instance, many Native American tribes hold certain places in the United States as sacred and holy. When new developments or construction threaten those places, the American Native community as a whole can quickly and easily spread that information using the resources available on the internet. The Native American community can then act on that information in according to the wishes of their tribal leaders.

There are many Native American organizations and resources also available online for the individuals interested in learning more about their specific tribe and ancestors. Websites like can help guide people interested in finding out more about their past.

As a subculture, the Native American Indian is a strong force in the United States. Their culture is well-established in the folklore of the American West and in the history books of our country. The internet has helped the American Native to grow stronger as a community by establishing important communication links, not only between tribes, but also between tribes and the general American population.