Thursday, September 13, 2007

Your Beauty & Image

La beaute' pour moi c'est la divinite' visible, c'est le bonheur palpable, c'est le ciel descendu sur terre." - Theophile Gautier

"Beauty, they say is but, skin-deep. That is quite deep enough to enslave mankind!"

It may be true that the feeling towards beauty is probably more highly developed in men than in women. For it is true, a man is often vanquished by a woman's look than by logic, by a pair of sexy legs than by good sense; by a little red dress than by her mental development or depth! This is to say, a man often judges a woman by her appearance! Between two attracted people, there may be many channels. (Three that are in universal use: are the eyes, the lips & the finger-tips. The greatest of these is the eyes!) *Warning: almost every woman is suspicious and jealous of any woman that opens a man's eyes!

That being said; if you want to attract the opposite sex - DO put some extra effort into your appearance! You do not have to be the most beautiful woman in a room but, do pay special attention to your skin, makeup, hair, diet & exercise. Keep some money aside for things like tanning, manicures & pedicures. Peruse the all the advice out there on grooming, dressing & creating the right wardrobe. It is a known fact that men are more physically attracted to girly girls! This doesn't mean you have to be the type of female who is obsessed with breaking a nail or getting her hair out of place but, it does mean: be a woman who looks like a woman!

To make a man stand up & really take notice - a woman needs that right combination of attractiveness, confidence & femininity. When I mention this 'right combination', I will also add; that you don't have to be a perfect 10 - or even a 7 (on the scale of looks) - to make a man stand up & take notice! One of the things you DO absolutely need is to to be a confident & feminine woman! The next thing that you should do is: learn how to skillfully apply your makeup (NEVER over do it!) & any other thing that enhances your natural beauty. Also, it is very important to the opposite sex that you are clean at all times & have good hygiene. This should go without saying but, men will tell you their horror stories if you ask them. A big bonus is smelling nice!

If you are admittedly a bit of a tomboy, maybe these suggestions will sound just a little 'high-maintenance' to you. Well, trying to be more feminine & spending a little more time on your appearance can be something that can really begin to work in your favor. This is because; in a man's mind, if YOU look good - HE looks good! This is just the way men think. A man feels proud when it is obvious to all that the woman by his side puts effort into her image. (Also, if you are single, you never know who you might bump into!)

So, where is a good starting point? Perhaps you could pick a model or celebrity; who's image you have previously admired. It is a good starting point as you now have someone who's style & look you can aspire to. Or you can go ahead and create your very own unique image, because - you are not afraid to showcase your own individual look! HOW you are looking will ultimately be showing men - & the world in general - how much (or how little) you are caring about yourself.

Here is a question that perhaps will never be settled: "How much value should be placed upon mere beauty?" For a man soon tires of mere beauty. In fact, a man (often an inconstant character), soon tires of mere anything!

A Question: What are the most highly effective beauty tips that a girl could ever get her hands on? How could you possibly transform yourself; so that you can look like a goddess? Answer: My book packed with far more than just your run-of-the-mill beauty tips - 'How To Look Like A Hollywood Love Goddess!'