Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dating Tips :: Underground Secrets Revealed

Statistics prove that every 7 out of 10 men will be rejected when asking a women on a date.

The odds are stacked against us boys. Most men hope the women of their dreams is going to miraculously pop out of thin air and fall on their lap. I'm sorry to say i've wished for that for years myself with no such luck.

I finally got off my a** did some homework and found out how to approach women with amazing results.
If you keep with the same tired game that never worked before. How do you expect it will work for you in the future?

It wont!

Lets face it. Most men, when rejected, start to question themselves. Did my breath stink. Did I sound like a desperate loser spitting some game any girl could see right through? Am I out of her league? And the worst of all... I must be Ugly!

Don't trip. Thats a common insecurity that everyone (women and men) share. We're always on edge, wondering if we're good looking enough to get the women that we like.

What I'm about to reveal here, may shock the hell out of you. Here is goes.....

Looks Aren't That Important!!!

Notice I didn't say looks AREN'T important. I said looks aren't THAT important.

There's a difference.

Looks are important to an extent, but not as important as you may think. Most women have a lot of leeway in what they find attractive in a man, and this can be used to your advantage.

Many guys think girls look at men the way men look at women. When a man looks at a woman, he judges whether or not he's attracted to her based on her looks. If she's overweight, has the wrong hair color, if her breasts are too small, if her nose is too big... whatever it may be, the man may dismiss her completely, regardless of whether or not she's a really great girl.

Because men look at women that way, it's natural for men to assume that's how women look at us.

Women do take looks into account, but in the overall scheme of things, to women, looks play a smaller role in deciding whether they'll sleep with you than it does when it comes to men deciding if they'll sleep with a woman.

Whether your overweight and just not a Brad Pitt. There can be many other attributes in you that a women will find more appealing than just your looks.

A good thing to remember is. Women are emotional creatures.

What I mean here is they may immediately be attracted to a good looking guy because he makes her FEEL GOOD right away. But if that same good looking guy is mean, or dumb, or turns her off in other ways and makes her feel bad feelings, she may decide she really isn't attracted to him at all.

Also, factor in that not all women are attracted to the same type of guy. Just like all men aren't attracted to the same type of women. Some women may prefer short men, or men with long hair, or fat men, etc.

There are many ways to approach women. And there are many ways a women want to be approached. Just remember next time you hit the club. Don't just settle for what you "think" you can get. Go ahead and get what you want. You will be pleasently surprised with the results you will have.