Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Russian Ladies and Losing Weight

How to lose weight without any diet? Get married with a Russian lady! It is hard to explain, but foreign men who get married with Russian women start losing weight after few months of common life.

The lady Irina who moved to her husband John to Colorado tells us that his coworkers and friends asked to open the secret of getting slimmer: ” What is the reason, John? What is your diet? Or, is she so active that she does not let you sleep a minute at night?” It is not only about night activity, it is really a diet! All of you know that east and west are very different not only in traditions, cultures, way of thinking, but also in nutrition habits. What do they like in America? Irina tells us:”I noticed that they like different types of meet, vegetables, rarer sea-food, but it takes time to cook it and as a matter of fact they eat more of hamburgers and hot dogs with mayonnaise, ketch up or sauces. I used to work in a supermarket and always took some lunch with me; it usually was a piece of meet with fresh cucumber or tomato. My coworkers asked me how could I eat a fresh tomatoes, because it was such a “yuck” things in their opinion. When I gave some caviar to my husband, he found it so disgusting that he immediately went to brush his teeth! Children hate vegetables and use carrots and broccoli as bullets to through to each other when playing.” “I’ve seen a very impressive advertising where a boy saw in his nightmare that there was nothing to eat except beets, some kind of burger was promoting…” Ukrainian culture tends to love veggies, they cook beets and tomatoes for Christmas dinner and caviar and sea-food is considered to be a delicates. Children eat veggies from early childhood and find it very tasty! Russian wives usually cook real (not canned) soups and borsch for her family every day. Irina continues “Well, when I started cooking a typical Ukrainian way for John, to my big surprise, he began losing weight. I think the reason is in the diet rich with fresh veggies and fruits, using natural components instead of semi cooked ingredients, what differs a lot from his previous nutrition- can soups, hotdogs etc…” “Though, I must note that Western people are more organized as for meal hours. They always eat at the same time. Ukrainians have a very late dinner- what is not very good for the stomach.” Well, take the best things from all cultures, stay healthy and happy as we are!
