Thursday, August 30, 2007

10 Common Mistakes When Trying To Seduce Women

Not being confident – The key ingredient for picking up women is confidence, and it is the main reason why they are not successful with women because they have no confidence.

Getting insanely drunk – When you drink too much you do not have the same control over your body as when your sober, also heavy drinking means you stink of alcohol and you may act aggressive and stupid which will not impress women.

Bad breath – Bad breath in general whether it is alcohol or what you ate for lunch, will instantly turn a woman off. Just make sure you have chewing gums or mints to solve the problems.

Bodily odor – BO as it is more commonly know, just get rid of it, even if it smells nice to you I can guarantee it won’t to her. Anti-perspirants are very good because they last a lot longer then deodorant, whatever you use just get rid of it.

Bad posture/body language – Having bad posture is not a good signal for woman; it shows weakness and insecurity, and qualities they do not look for in men. You need to stand up straight with your shoulders back, doing this will convey confidence, a quality women do find attractive in men. Body language is just as important, don’t face the opposite way if you are talking to a girl and don’t tap your fingers like your bored, show interest open your body up, loosen up and be relaxed.

Being negative about yourself – Don’t talk yourself down, it’s one thing to make a joke about yourself but don’t look like an incompetent, unconfident fool it will not impress her. You need to show confidence at all times.

Arrogance – It is one thing being too negative about yourself and it is another thinking you’re god’s gift to women. Arrogance is not attractive to women. Arrogance shows selfishness and insecurity which women just turn the other way to. This means that you have to get some where in the middle, don’t talk down on yourself and don’t speak too highly of yourself.

Trying too hard – Women don’t like to think they are easy, they want a man to earn her body, so pleading with her to come back to your place will not work. Acting desperate will not impress her, she wants her man to be strong and confident, he shouldn’t have to plead to get with her.

Not listening to her – This is a key factor with women; they like a man who can listen and by listening you can gather what she wants from you. Don’t talk about yourself all the time, listen to her and she will greatly appreciate it.

Looking like a tramp – You need to make sure your appearance is clean and tidy and it matches, you do not need to look like you’ve come out of a catalogue just good enough so she is not put off.

For more FREE TIPS on how to approach, talk to, attract and seduce any woman of your choice visit