Thursday, June 21, 2007

Understand How You Can Make Love Happen - Even Get A New Date!

Positive thinking is tiring and mentally exhausting if used incorrectly. If you are a positive thinker it doesn't mean life will be all perfect and smooth for you every single moment. Be a master of love by being able to summon the right thoughts and trigger the right feelings during that particular moment in life and in your relationship when you need it!

The "Secret" to success and love is to understand how the Universe works and how we can be " In Tune with the Infinite" and understand "How to flow" to the "Highest and Best".

Think of life as a "River" If you are flowing along and get blocked or stuck then you have gone in a direction that is counter to the movement of the flow.

You are like a "great oarsman" who steers your own ship in the sea of life to your Ultimate Destiny. You are the "Captain of Your Soul" and "Master of Your Fate". You job is to turn your "Dreams into Reality" and be one with your " Highest and Best Soulmate". As you flow with the "River of Life" you will be guided at all times to what is "highest and best" for you.

So if you encounter a block or a rejection then that is a "Message from the Great Universal Master Dream Machine" that you are to proceed differently or to pursue another person or direction.

Excellent salesmen, business people and those looking to create the life and relationships of their dreams when following divine guidance go through life experiencing rejections and reluctance, procrastination, frustration and disappointments every now and then but still achieve the results they want. Why? Because they know how to read the feedback and signs from their Soul and Universe.

You Divine Guidance from your Soul and the Universe speak to you in many ways. A block, or negative feeling, resistance or lack of comfort or energy are all just messages.

It would be nice if the Universe sent you an email or said in a clear voice "Hey this person isn't highest and best for you" or "Hey you need to learn better skills here". We don't always have a direct Auditory connection although some of us have easier and faster access to the "wee small voice" and "whispers of wisdom" from the Universe.

Those that succeed in Love and Life have developed the habit of thinking the right thoughts, asking the right questions within themselves, developing new ways of responding to the objections they get, and triggering that feelings which will serve them.

It's all about developing a Relationship with the Universe. It communicates with you in many ways. We have at least 4 Internal Channels that the Universe gives you direction through Intuitive Guidance. There are also several external ways the Universe gives you clear signs and directions for you " Highest and Best Good".

So, whether you are dating or already in a committed relationship, understand that you are bound to go through periods of times when there will be disagreements, disappointments, confusion, arguments, and quarrels.

Be a master of love by learning to snap out of these seemingly unhappy and energy-draining situations as quick as lava would flow out of a volcano. If you keep failing at getting your first date, or even having difficulty getting more dates after the first one, look at and understand the Bigger Picture. And welcome objections. This is the only way your partner can make it known to you what exactly he/she likes or doesn't like about you, SO you can improve on yourself!

Keep in mind that unconditional love is given without any expectations, limitations or any other definitions. In other words when you love someone unconditionally you do so without expectations that the sentiment will be returned, without placing restrictions or conditions under which the love will be expressed and without establishing defining parameters for when, where or why the love is felt or expressed. There are many examples of relationships where the love is unconditional. The love between romantic partners, parent and child, siblings and even friends can all be examples of unconditional love. The most important factors of unconditional love are that it is completely free of restrictions or expectations.