Thursday, October 4, 2007

Using body language to attract women..

Most females decide and form a mental impression of what we are in less than four minutes. 56% of that impression is made by body language, 36% by our tone and manner of speech and just 8% for the content of our speech. Now dont think of boring her nonstop talking about the new dog food that is so good for Milo. The content comes in later. So to get to the content part you need to get your body language right.

Every aspect of your personality will be scrutinized in a matter of minute if not seconds by women from our appearance, the way you move, your appearance and even the posture you are sitting. If you are not self conscious then its bad because any wrong body habits will communicate wrong signals.

So let us look at some ways to send strong and attractive signal with out words.

(1) Dont droop and sit. Sit upright or in posture at makes you look confident. Unless you have a 26 inch biceps and hulk of a shoulder drooping makes you look smaller and unmanly.
(2) Look into the eyes and speak. Its a mistake which every guy does. When a girl looks into your eyes look at it back. It will only make you nervous and foolish if you dont. And it will make you look as if you are intimidated by her. So look into eyes till she breaks the eye contact.
(3) When offered or initiating a hand shake make sure its straight up and give a brief, firm shake. Dont break her hands, or shake it like a pump or touch it and take as if it was oil.
(4) Do not make fast, unneeded and jerky movements. It puts the women into an unsteady mode and makes them uncomfortable at your physical presence.
(5) Dont laugh nervously or in any kind of weird manner. It will make you look like a total loser.
(6) Do not look at her in a cheesy way or stop starring at her cleavage.
(7) If sitting dont keep shaking you legs or clasp your fingers hard. It will make you look like a nervous wreck.
(8) And for heavens sake do not pick your nose or keep scratching yourself.

Women you say it or not like their men commanding. So if you in any way tell them you are timid you lose valuable points too soon. You could be a charming person with lots of wit and humor. But if she gets a bad impression about you in the first place then all those attributes go waste.

This effect of body language comes from your inner confidence. Once you start doing the above said things you notice by the way women change their attitude towards you. This boosts your confidence thus starting a never ending cycle of improvement. So get ready to enchant women with mere signs of your body in minutes!!