Monday, October 29, 2007

That Perfect Dating Profile

In the world of online romance, little things mean a whole lot. Just a picture and all that it communicates replaces all of those signals you exchange in an “in-person” flirting situation where eyes meet, you hear his or her voice and nonverbal communication is more powerful than words.

But words are all there is for the most part when it comes to attracting the opposite sex online. Yes, later after you have met and are communicating regularly with your lover, then you can move to voice over internet, microphones, or webcams to make the relationship more real.

But that moment of first contact, similar to the pick-up line or first flirtatious eye contact is replaced online by your profile. So putting some time and effort into making that profile sing out all the wonderful things you are will bring a reward of many interested contacts from online lovers.

That first impression

When you get started using your online dating service, take note of how you go about looking at the men or women you might want to contact. You use their search function to find people in the categories in terms of age, gender, preferences, interests, and physical appearance that you want to get to know. Then when you get a screen full of names, you might just get the picture in a thumbnail and a “pick-up” line from that person that you can use to see if you should open up their full profile.

There you have everything you need for that first “hook” to get the opposite sex to look at you. You have the search engine, the thumbnail picture, and that hook line.

- Look at your picture in terms of what is says in a “thumbnail” view. Make sure your image is large enough to be the center of attention. Have someone else evaluate it in that light.

- Get to know the search criteria very well on your dating service. Then tinker with your profile so your information is “hit” the most often of all when the guy or gal you want to meet goes looking for a match.

- Read several hook lines and decide what works for you. There are humorous ones, ones that are romantic, others that seem full of fear. Try to create one that really says to the prospective lover, "Look at me." Write out about twenty in your word processor before picking just one.

Do Your Homework

Finally, spend some time becoming a student of profiles. Read lots of them—not just of people who you are interested in, but also from people like you that are using the service. You might, as an exercise, go into your service and look for yourself. Do a search and see who the hits bring back. This is your competition. Study their profiles and create yours in such a way as to grab attention and get that inquiry before they do.

And don’t be afraid to change your profile and photo often. That will keep you fresh and people who are doing this search over and over each week will recognize you and see the new information and give you a fresh look. These tips will help you bring in more contacts from your online dating service and result in more romance and fun for you in this exciting new romantic world. 100% free dating site and matchmaking service for singles. Plus provides free dating forum with dating tips and relationship advice.

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