Thursday, October 11, 2007

Synchronicity in Online Matchmaking and its Implications

Synchronicity is nothing but the occurrence of a few events which are not related to each other by a great degree, but still portray a great significance toward something which is good. Usually, these events take place in a meaningful manner, or at least in such a way that a conceivable meaning can be interpreted by the people who are associated with the events in one way or the other. This term was introduced by Carl Jung, probably one of the greatest thinkers of all time. He introduced this term in order to explain various things associated with the human mind and its complications and other things. This term can be used in high level philosophy and also in your daily life. The beauty of synchronicity is that anyone who understands the concept of synchronicity can easily start identifying the kind of pattern the term explains and stands for and he can also start seeing the same kind of pattern in his day-to-day life and also the ones surrounding him. Now coming to the major issue of synchronicity in online matchmaking, we can deduce a few things on the surface layer itself. When you look into the business of online matchmaking seriously, it has large shades of the patterns mentioned in the theory of synchronicity. In online matchmaking, what you actually do is that you get registered with some website which promises to have the highest number of men and women members who are searching for their respective partners. Now, by actually signing on to such a website, what you imply is that you are in need of a partner, and you also expect that partner to get signed on to the same website to come searching for a man like you. This is nothing but a probability which is expected from you when you join that site. Now, a girl who is joining the same site is thinking on the same layers like you. She joins the site looking for a man who she perceives is the perfect man and not only is she hoping to find the man online in the same site, but she also expects that man to be looking for a girl like her. Now, when these two probabilities take place at the same time and when the probability of the girl and boy meeting each other online increases, automatically the incidents that take place between them can be perceived in a different manner and can be easily related to the theory of synchronicity in online.

In any case, the events which lead to

certain incident can be interpreted into a certain meaning and the person who is involved in the incident can start identifying a patter between those casual yet meaningful events which led to the incident in the first place. The same theory can be applied to synchronicity in online matchmaking and you can easily interpret the events that take place between a man and a woman. Right from the point when they start signing up on the site and start searching for the perfect partner, to the point when they decide that they are indeed made for each other and decide to take further steps, everything happens casually, yet you can interpret a kind of meaning in all those incidents. This is nothing but synchronicity in online matchmaking.