Saturday, October 6, 2007

Gracefully Get Out of a Date: Six Tips

Forty-five minutes have passed and you already know you can't stand this guy. Maybe he disgusts you, maybe he is too much like your ex-boyfriend, maybe he didn't hold the door; the one thing you must have in all your dates.

Below are tips on getting out of a date like this without it being too awkward, no matter what the problem.

Make it short. First dates should not last four hours. These will take less than an hour: a cup of coffee, a walk in the park with your dogs, or a quick drink.

There's somewhere you need to be. Make it known. If before even going on the date, or within the first few minutes you have hesitation about this guy, mention a friend's birthday party you need to go to later. Don't make it a big deal, just make it believable.

No desert for me. Don't agree to more date if you want it to be over.

Tell him he's rude, if he is. No matter what you do, total jerks will be total jerks. So if he offends you, it's ok to let him know you're not interested. If he says after 20 minutes, "Who you hooking up with?" You can and should respond with "I'm not interested in anyone hooking up with anyone right now. "

Do not agree to call. If you're not going to call, don't say you will. Tell him it was nice to meet him and you wish him the best. This is perfectly ok. Hopefully he'll get the point and not call you.

Shake his hand. Won't be another date? This is a perfect way to indicate that. A hug or kiss is too intimate if you don't like him.