Monday, August 27, 2007

Online Dating; Are You Thinking, Considering and Contemplating When Actually You Should Just Do It

You know that you've been single for far too long when your even your best friend is trying to set up with well meaning blind dates for you despite your protests. But getting back onto the dating scene, and especially trying something new like online dating, can be quite daunting. It's quite understandable and you are not alone, however it is worth facing up to your fears and taking the plunge and once you have done it you'll probably wonder why you didn't do it ages ago! Here are some of the most common concerns we hear;

Online dating wouldn't be fair on my kids; When you have kids then they obviously come first but online dating need not have any negative effect on them. Whilst you shouldn't become carried away and exclude your kids from your life, having other interests is key in maintaining your relationship with them and making sure that you are not just a parent but a whole human being too. Online dating is actually a great way for parents to get back on the dating scene as it really doesn't require huge amounts of time and can fit in around your children.

I'm not over my ex; Moving on from any relationship can be difficult and it is important that you feel you are ready to date again before you embark on online dating. But remember online dating is like taking baby steps on the dating scene. You can control who you talk to, how often you chat, how casual you want to be etc. Online dating will give you a chance to try out your flirting skills again in a safe and comfortable environment and if you decide you really are not ready then no-one will get hurt and you never know, there could be someone online who could help you forget you ex completely.

Nobody will want me; Feeling negative about yourself is not uncommon but it is unnecessary. There is definitely someone for everyone and online dating significantly increases your chance of meeting someone simply because of the sheer numbers of people who are online dating. Everybody is lovable and has qualities to attract a partner it's just a question of seeing yourself more objectively that's all.

I can't find the time; Life is pretty busy for most of us these days and finding the time to even think about online dating, never mind actually doing it, can be enough to put some people off. If you think about it though, time you invest creating your online dating profile is actually time you invest in understanding yourself better which is something we should all try and do occasionally. And once you are actually on an online dating site then the time you spend communicating with others is social time that you should be finding for yourself anyway. So stop making excuses and allocate some time specifically for online dating and you'll be glad you did.

I don't know what to write in my online dating personal ad; Writing about yourself can be hard and we all tend to be a little shy about blowing our own trumpets but there is no need to be. There are bound to be hundreds of interesting facts about you that you can include in your personal ad. We are all interesting and unique it's just a question of spending a little time thinking about how and then writing it down. There is plenty of help and advice available to help you including our own step by step dating personal ad builder, MaxMyProfile.

OK, do you still have a good reason not to try online dating? Or is it just another excuse. The best thing about online dating is it is relatively inexpensive, you can have some fun doing it and no one need ever know. Look at this way you can do it in your scruffiest clothes, without even having had a shower and someone could still see you as the most attractive person they have ever met, how cool is that! Give it a go you never know where it may lead!

Cheryl Ashbrook is an author for the online dating tips website which provides online dating advice and services for men and women. If you would like to read our article about online dating safety or would like some help writing your dating personal ad then why not pay us a visit?