Looking for love? When looking to meet the person of your dreams, online dating may just not be enough. What you need is online matchmaking. Just what is online matchmaking?
Matchmaking can be described as a process of introducing two people with a view towards marriage. Online matchmaking is simply matchmaking via technology. How does it work?
A matchmaking site requires one to input lots of details about yourself as well as the type of person you are looking for. This is in order to find your most suitable prospect(s), beyond mere physical attributes.
There many advantages to online matchmaking but the top ones are:
1. Numbers: A large and wide network of people all seeking mates. This offers you the best chance of finding someone who is also looking for somebody just like you.
2. Convenience: search for your soul mate any time of day or night, in the privacy of your own home.
Now let's look at what you need to do in order to find a soul mate online.
In order to succeed in finding your soul mate online, you need to compile six lists. These six lists will help you come up with a lively, attention-grabbing profile.
Not only that, but this will also help make answering online matchmaking questionnaires much easier. The six lists are as follows:
1. Things you must: these are things that your partner must have (personality-wise as opposed to material-wise) in order for you to be happy with him/her.
2. Things that would be nice to have but you can do without. You know, are the icings on the cake.
3. Things you cannot stand (your "no-no's"). These are characteristic that you absolutely will not tolerate.
4. Your endearing characteristics and attributes.
5. Your activities, interests and hobbies.
6. Things you must improve in yourself.
A look into your lifestyle and activities will help you come up with the above lists. If necessary, enlist the help of a close friend or relative. This might seem to be a lot of work, but it is well worth the effort. Remember it is your soul mate that you seek.
Another way to come up with a list of things that you want or don't want in a partner is to take a look at your past relationships. What are the things that you really liked? These are things you want. What did you not like or what made the relationship(s) flop? What characteristics caused problems in the past? These are the things you want to avoid.
Once your six lists, you are now ready to begin searching for your soul mate. The best route is through a reputable online matchmaking site. Not to be confused with a general dating site, a matchmaking site is tailored towards serious relationships.
There are, basically, two types of matchmaking sites:
1. Those that do the matching for you. You cannot view other members' profiles. They inform you when a compatible match has been found. With this type, you have little control over whom you get matched with. Some of the most successful matchmaking sites operate this way.
2. Those that do the matching for you as well as let you do the searching. With these, you have more control and flexibility, though this does not necessarily guarantee greater success.
It is not the place of this article to tell you which type of online matchmaking site to go for: that is a personal decision. But you cannot compromise on the quality of the site as you would be compromising on the quality of your love.
In this day and age of quick fixes, some people expect to sign up with a matchmaking site today and find the person of their dreams tomorrow. This is possible, but unlikely. Patience is a virtue.
Expect to communicate and meet with several prospects before finding the right one. It might take days, it might take weeks, or it might take months. It's all worth it if you finally nail "the one", don't you think?
Now don't waste time. The sooner you start your search, the sooner you'll be able to find him or her. Find a reputable online matchmaking site and sign up for a free trial today.