The reality is most of guys are just way too easy. Unfortunately, this is not attractive to women. The common mistake is that when guys receive the 'signals of interest' from women (for example, when they smile, ask you questions, touch you, etc), they get comfortable and immediately move to develop rapport with the women. Unfortunately, this is a mistake, and often they will find that their target would lose interest in them.
Here's an instant formula on how to be more attractive to women. Stop being easy.
The reality is most guys are just way too easy. The common mistake is that when guys receive the 'signals of interest' from women (for example, when they smile, ask you questions, touch you, etc), they get comfortable and immediately move to develop rapport with the women. Unfortunately, this is a mistake, and often they will find that their target would lose soon interest in them.
The reason for this is that often a woman would yearn for a man who challenges her. She wants the feeling of not being able to get the man without substantial effort. She wants to work to be rewarded. If she thinks that she has sorted you out and has you under her thumb, you will gradually lose her interest.
The solution to this is simple. Continually keep her guessing by using this technique called the 'push-pull'. If you want to retain her interest, be more unpredictable and create more tension in the interaction. The reason women are attracted to jerks is exactly this. Jerks are challenging, and they keep women guessing about what's coming next.
However, I am not recommending you to be an all-out jerk in order to be more attractive to women. By being a jerk, you will eventually push her away, which defeats your purpose. The key here is to balance being challenging and cocky with humor and empathy. The true player knows how to calibrate and carefully paces the interaction between himself and the woman she desires so that he is challenging but remains accessible at the same time.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
How To Get Your Girlfriend Back After A Breakup - Ways To Win Your Ex-Girlfriend Back
Have you ever watched the romantic 80's comedy Say Anything? If so, how can you forget that poignant scene where Lloyd Dobler holds the ghetto blaster high over his head and plays Peter Gabriel's song, In Your Eyes underneath his ex girlfriend's window. You may be able to relate to Lloyd's heartbreak, but this is not the way to win back your love. Lloyd's techniques may work well in Hollywood's land of make-believe, but they have absolutely nothing to do with reality. If you want to learn how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup, you need to start using real world strategies that actually work.
The most important goal for all of you men wanting to know how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup, is to ditch the whole needy act. Women aren't attracted to clingy, needy men in the first place, so they definitely will not be interested in this type of guy the second time around. Don't bother doing things many men do such as calling her up to tell her how much you miss her, sending her flowers or driving by her house. These things will just push her away. By just walking away, she may start to question why you aren't actively pursuing her. After a while, she will probably end up giving in to her urge to pull you right back.
There is another surefire method you can use if you are fretting over how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup. Make her realize that she isn't the only fish in the sea. Human nature shows that everyone wants what they can't have and women are no exception to this fact. Therefore, show her that you have lots of other great options since breaking up with her.
Start dating as many other women as you can and be sure she sees you with them. She will get jealous when watching you enjoying the company of other women. You can even go as far as dating her friends. You may think this would turn her off, but you will be surprised how fast she decides that she wants you back.
If you want to learn more about methods like these, try connecting with a popular internet subculture of men known as the "seduction community". They will offer you more techniques and advice on methods that actually work. These men all have the same goal - to learn how to achieve better success with women. Therefore, they can be very helpful when you want to win back your ex. They can also refer you to great e-books such as Swinggcat's Real World Seduction and David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating.
For all the men who are losing sleep over how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup, you can rest easy. Try acting disinterested and just walk away instead of acting needy. Show her how many other women are already interested in your company so she realizes all the other options you have besides her. Follow these steps and you will leave her no choice but to get back with you.
The most important goal for all of you men wanting to know how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup, is to ditch the whole needy act. Women aren't attracted to clingy, needy men in the first place, so they definitely will not be interested in this type of guy the second time around. Don't bother doing things many men do such as calling her up to tell her how much you miss her, sending her flowers or driving by her house. These things will just push her away. By just walking away, she may start to question why you aren't actively pursuing her. After a while, she will probably end up giving in to her urge to pull you right back.
There is another surefire method you can use if you are fretting over how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup. Make her realize that she isn't the only fish in the sea. Human nature shows that everyone wants what they can't have and women are no exception to this fact. Therefore, show her that you have lots of other great options since breaking up with her.
Start dating as many other women as you can and be sure she sees you with them. She will get jealous when watching you enjoying the company of other women. You can even go as far as dating her friends. You may think this would turn her off, but you will be surprised how fast she decides that she wants you back.
If you want to learn more about methods like these, try connecting with a popular internet subculture of men known as the "seduction community". They will offer you more techniques and advice on methods that actually work. These men all have the same goal - to learn how to achieve better success with women. Therefore, they can be very helpful when you want to win back your ex. They can also refer you to great e-books such as Swinggcat's Real World Seduction and David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating.
For all the men who are losing sleep over how to get your girlfriend back after a breakup, you can rest easy. Try acting disinterested and just walk away instead of acting needy. Show her how many other women are already interested in your company so she realizes all the other options you have besides her. Follow these steps and you will leave her no choice but to get back with you.
What Beautiful Women Fantasize About When It comes To Approaching Them
Nice guys finish last at attracting girls. Why? Because deep down all women want to feel safe. They face one threat men don't have to worry about – rape.
If you're too nice of a guy, you're sending a signal to her – you're not qualified to protect her.
So why do must guys act like wimps around women? For some men, it's natural. They are hardwired to be nice guys. Since birth it's become a response for them: See hot girl, act like wimp.
Others however, have learned the skill of “wimpy nice guy”. The golden rule says treat others how you would like to be treated. Mom and dad taught you that being nice makes people like you. And it does. As friends... not as a lover.
Making a woman like you is hardly a factor at making her feel attracted to you. I know it doesn't make sense. But attraction isn't based on logic. It follows it's own rules.
Here's the dilemma – how do you overcome “wimpy nice guy” when it's an automatic response you've been born with or were taught overtime?
I know for me... it was hard to let go of being “wimpy nice guy”. He had been a part of me for so long I just wouldn't know what to do without him. Also... I didn't like admitting mistakes. It is a cold slap in the face to wake up one day realizing that when it comes to attracting women, I had been doing it all wrong.
But I decided I'd rather be rich than right. So I set up a little experiment that went like this. I'd go out for two hours fours nights a week. Each night I went out, I would approach at least 5 women.The first week I would continue to be a “wimpy nice guy”. The second week I'd be more cocky and arrogant. I'd try to push women and find their boundaries, and see what I could get a way with.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out the first week didn't go well. In fact, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The second week however, produced some interesting results.
At first, it didn't go well at all. Women thought I was a jerk... but weren't attracted to me. Part of it was because my words were saying one thing but my body language was saying something else.
The more I tried it though, the more natural it became. My body language become congruent with my words. I also started to find exactly what buttons I could push that would make women say, “you're a jerk” and be serious... And which buttons would make them say, "you're a jerk” and then giggle and smile.
Then it hit me. I figured out what charm really was. Teasing a women in a way that makes her laugh. This was the perfect position to be in... not a jerk, not a wimp... but a charmer.
A word of caution: I think it is okay to be nice to a woman. But you must do it on your terms. Not hers. Being nice only on her terms is a “wimp nice guy” tactic. Getting her something sweet just because you felt like it is a smart thing to do.
I urge you to test everything I tell you. Do as I did. Try it one week how you think it should be. Try it the next week with the advice I give you. Find out what works for you and what you're comfortable with.
Do it right and you can be charming to a woman and be nice to her... and still not be thought of as a wimp!
If you're too nice of a guy, you're sending a signal to her – you're not qualified to protect her.
So why do must guys act like wimps around women? For some men, it's natural. They are hardwired to be nice guys. Since birth it's become a response for them: See hot girl, act like wimp.
Others however, have learned the skill of “wimpy nice guy”. The golden rule says treat others how you would like to be treated. Mom and dad taught you that being nice makes people like you. And it does. As friends... not as a lover.
Making a woman like you is hardly a factor at making her feel attracted to you. I know it doesn't make sense. But attraction isn't based on logic. It follows it's own rules.
Here's the dilemma – how do you overcome “wimpy nice guy” when it's an automatic response you've been born with or were taught overtime?
I know for me... it was hard to let go of being “wimpy nice guy”. He had been a part of me for so long I just wouldn't know what to do without him. Also... I didn't like admitting mistakes. It is a cold slap in the face to wake up one day realizing that when it comes to attracting women, I had been doing it all wrong.
But I decided I'd rather be rich than right. So I set up a little experiment that went like this. I'd go out for two hours fours nights a week. Each night I went out, I would approach at least 5 women.The first week I would continue to be a “wimpy nice guy”. The second week I'd be more cocky and arrogant. I'd try to push women and find their boundaries, and see what I could get a way with.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out the first week didn't go well. In fact, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The second week however, produced some interesting results.
At first, it didn't go well at all. Women thought I was a jerk... but weren't attracted to me. Part of it was because my words were saying one thing but my body language was saying something else.
The more I tried it though, the more natural it became. My body language become congruent with my words. I also started to find exactly what buttons I could push that would make women say, “you're a jerk” and be serious... And which buttons would make them say, "you're a jerk” and then giggle and smile.
Then it hit me. I figured out what charm really was. Teasing a women in a way that makes her laugh. This was the perfect position to be in... not a jerk, not a wimp... but a charmer.
A word of caution: I think it is okay to be nice to a woman. But you must do it on your terms. Not hers. Being nice only on her terms is a “wimp nice guy” tactic. Getting her something sweet just because you felt like it is a smart thing to do.
I urge you to test everything I tell you. Do as I did. Try it one week how you think it should be. Try it the next week with the advice I give you. Find out what works for you and what you're comfortable with.
Do it right and you can be charming to a woman and be nice to her... and still not be thought of as a wimp!
Relationship Advice For The Man - Where To Get All The Relationship Advice A Man Needs
Have you ever spent years and years dating women and realized that you know even less now than when you were younger? If so, you can count yourself among the majority of males in the world who suffer from this same problem. In fact, this is so common that an entire industry has resulted. Millions of dollars are made from the annual sale of books, DVDs and radio programs that have the same goal in mind - providing relationship advice for men. If you want to know where to get all the relationship advice a man needs, read on.
A great place to find relationship advice for men is the internet. The internet contains sites and forums on every topic available and relationships are no exception. In fact, a recent subculture has formed called the seduction community.
Basically, the seduction community consists of men who are looking to achieve greater romantic success with women. In addition to internet forums, there are currently more than 100 local clubs which are referred to as "lairs". This community is gaining more media exposure and it's a great place to start if you are looking for valuable relationship advice.
Relationship advice for men is also available from many traditional books. Many books contain traditional ideas that just don't work like the new methods so be careful which ones you choose. Start off by picking up a copy of The Game, written by self-proclaimed "pickup artist" and journalist, Neil Strauss. His book has reached the bestseller list of the New York Times and discusses techniques commonly used within the community.
Another great way to find relationship advice for men can be found in e-books - the electronic books that can be found in every corner of the internet. Almost everyone is producing their own e-book, but that doesn't mean some of them aren't very informative. Just conduct a search in Google to find books focusing on topics you want to explore. Use the tips and techniques shared by other men and women to avoid some of the pitfalls they have experienced. Start by reading books like David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating or Ross Jeffries' acclaimed Speed Seduction home study courses.
The bottom line is relationship advice for men is now widely available in many different forms. You can learn about members of the opposite sex by connecting with the online seduction community, pick up some new or classic books such as The Game or start reading some of the many valuable e-books that are available. If you have a lot to learn about women, then regardless of how you obtain the advice, make sure you start now.
A great place to find relationship advice for men is the internet. The internet contains sites and forums on every topic available and relationships are no exception. In fact, a recent subculture has formed called the seduction community.
Basically, the seduction community consists of men who are looking to achieve greater romantic success with women. In addition to internet forums, there are currently more than 100 local clubs which are referred to as "lairs". This community is gaining more media exposure and it's a great place to start if you are looking for valuable relationship advice.
Relationship advice for men is also available from many traditional books. Many books contain traditional ideas that just don't work like the new methods so be careful which ones you choose. Start off by picking up a copy of The Game, written by self-proclaimed "pickup artist" and journalist, Neil Strauss. His book has reached the bestseller list of the New York Times and discusses techniques commonly used within the community.
Another great way to find relationship advice for men can be found in e-books - the electronic books that can be found in every corner of the internet. Almost everyone is producing their own e-book, but that doesn't mean some of them aren't very informative. Just conduct a search in Google to find books focusing on topics you want to explore. Use the tips and techniques shared by other men and women to avoid some of the pitfalls they have experienced. Start by reading books like David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating or Ross Jeffries' acclaimed Speed Seduction home study courses.
The bottom line is relationship advice for men is now widely available in many different forms. You can learn about members of the opposite sex by connecting with the online seduction community, pick up some new or classic books such as The Game or start reading some of the many valuable e-books that are available. If you have a lot to learn about women, then regardless of how you obtain the advice, make sure you start now.
Warning: Most Men Don't Know The Simple Truth About Attraction
Why are some men naturally successful with women while other men, even intelligent, interesting and good looking men can't get a date?
It has to do with one thing – attraction. Attraction is like an unspoken language which is communicated instantly when a man and women meet. But here's the problem: women don't make a conscious selection on who they become attracted to. It's like touching a hot stove and feeling pain. You don't choose to feel pain. It happens as a result of a certain stimulus -
touching a hot stove.
So what's the stimulus causing attraction? Most guys think it has to do with buying gifts and dinner and giving her compliments. It doesn't. Unless you know what does work, you better hope to either win the lottery, become famous or befriend a good plastic surgeon.
Pound this into your memory: you can't buy a woman's attraction with gifts, dinners and compliments. Ever.
Here's the good news: If you haven't been so successful with women lately, it's not because your some freak of nature, or because women can't find you attractive. You've just simply be following the wrong map. You've been operating on ideals and beliefs given to you by your parents, society, religion and even your well meaning friends.
Know this – every man is born with the gift to sexually attract women. It's part of our survival mechanism. However, through all the layers of social programming... we have buried that gift. Stymied its growth. As a result, we now are clueless when it comes to the art of attraction.
As a dating coach, I've seen my fair share of this. The good news is it's not too hard to bring it back to the surface. You simply need to reacquaint yourself with how attraction actually works. You need a better map.
The first thing you need to know about attraction – keep your power.
Women hate weak men. Yet men always act like wussies around women they wish to date. Kissing up does not equal power.
Rule number one in attraction – don't give up your power. This means when you ask a woman out, don't say, “Where would you like to go.” She'll reply, “Oh, I don't care... wherever is fine.” And you come back with, “No seriously. Where would you like to go?” Ugh.
Come closer: the one with the most power is the leader. Remember touching a hot stove is the stimulus for pain? Well, when a women becomes the leader... as far as attraction goes... it's a stimulus for instant turn off. Zap! It's gone.
Men give up more power with one single dating blunder than any other – Dinner on the first date.
This sends a subtle message to a woman: I don't have enough power so I must bribe you with dinner in hopes you feel attraction for me.
And worse... by paying for the first date, you have set the tone of your relationship with her... You are now a Provider. Good look with that one.
So how do you change this? Most men who first learn about the real art of attraction do this: They say to a woman... “Let me take you to dinner.” When the check comes, the man tries to reverse the table. He eyes the bill. Then eyes her. She gets the hint. She pays the bill. And zap! The attraction is gone.
Why? Hey, you were the one who asked her to dinner. It's like going to the video store and renting the movie. When you bring it up to the counter, you're the one who is expected to pay. When you ask a woman out a date, you're the one who is expected to pay.
You're map is messed up. There is nothing that says you have to take a woman to dinner on the first date. It's actually probably the worst thing you can do, if you want her to feel attracted to you.
If you're interested in becoming more successful with women... and you've been unsuccessful... you must build a better map. And you start with learning how attraction works, and what stimulus you need to use to trigger it in women (hint, it's not manipulating her with gifts and compliments).
Once you understand this, you will be able to go from one step to another with women. From how to approach them, to where to take them for the crucial first date.
So get to work on your new map... today!
It has to do with one thing – attraction. Attraction is like an unspoken language which is communicated instantly when a man and women meet. But here's the problem: women don't make a conscious selection on who they become attracted to. It's like touching a hot stove and feeling pain. You don't choose to feel pain. It happens as a result of a certain stimulus -
touching a hot stove.
So what's the stimulus causing attraction? Most guys think it has to do with buying gifts and dinner and giving her compliments. It doesn't. Unless you know what does work, you better hope to either win the lottery, become famous or befriend a good plastic surgeon.
Pound this into your memory: you can't buy a woman's attraction with gifts, dinners and compliments. Ever.
Here's the good news: If you haven't been so successful with women lately, it's not because your some freak of nature, or because women can't find you attractive. You've just simply be following the wrong map. You've been operating on ideals and beliefs given to you by your parents, society, religion and even your well meaning friends.
Know this – every man is born with the gift to sexually attract women. It's part of our survival mechanism. However, through all the layers of social programming... we have buried that gift. Stymied its growth. As a result, we now are clueless when it comes to the art of attraction.
As a dating coach, I've seen my fair share of this. The good news is it's not too hard to bring it back to the surface. You simply need to reacquaint yourself with how attraction actually works. You need a better map.
The first thing you need to know about attraction – keep your power.
Women hate weak men. Yet men always act like wussies around women they wish to date. Kissing up does not equal power.
Rule number one in attraction – don't give up your power. This means when you ask a woman out, don't say, “Where would you like to go.” She'll reply, “Oh, I don't care... wherever is fine.” And you come back with, “No seriously. Where would you like to go?” Ugh.
Come closer: the one with the most power is the leader. Remember touching a hot stove is the stimulus for pain? Well, when a women becomes the leader... as far as attraction goes... it's a stimulus for instant turn off. Zap! It's gone.
Men give up more power with one single dating blunder than any other – Dinner on the first date.
This sends a subtle message to a woman: I don't have enough power so I must bribe you with dinner in hopes you feel attraction for me.
And worse... by paying for the first date, you have set the tone of your relationship with her... You are now a Provider. Good look with that one.
So how do you change this? Most men who first learn about the real art of attraction do this: They say to a woman... “Let me take you to dinner.” When the check comes, the man tries to reverse the table. He eyes the bill. Then eyes her. She gets the hint. She pays the bill. And zap! The attraction is gone.
Why? Hey, you were the one who asked her to dinner. It's like going to the video store and renting the movie. When you bring it up to the counter, you're the one who is expected to pay. When you ask a woman out a date, you're the one who is expected to pay.
You're map is messed up. There is nothing that says you have to take a woman to dinner on the first date. It's actually probably the worst thing you can do, if you want her to feel attracted to you.
If you're interested in becoming more successful with women... and you've been unsuccessful... you must build a better map. And you start with learning how attraction works, and what stimulus you need to use to trigger it in women (hint, it's not manipulating her with gifts and compliments).
Once you understand this, you will be able to go from one step to another with women. From how to approach them, to where to take them for the crucial first date.
So get to work on your new map... today!
How To Pick Up Women At A Party.
Parties are a great place to meet women. The combination of alcohol and the nice atmosphere gives you good opportunities to take advantage of many different types of females. But how exactly are you to manipulate these women into having sex with you? You are reading the right article! Using this information, you can trick any woman into your bed.
The first step when you are at your party is your entrance and your first impression. Before you go to the party, please freshen up. Shower up boy. But on some nice deodorant and some cologne too (nothing strong or fancy, just casual and good, see the cologne section). Make sure your hair looks good too. I normally put gel in my hair and mess with it for a while, but you do what works for you. When my hair isn’t agreeing with me, I pick out a hat THAT MATCHES what I’m wearing and put that on. Speaking of what you are wearing, make sure that you have that covered. Depending on how I feel, I could show up to a party in a t-shirt, polo, or even a wife beater. Make sure it fits well, and if you got a bad body, skip on wife beater. Ok you look good man, time to go to the party.
You now have entered, and of course all of the babes are making first impressions of you. Are you smiling, do you know people, are you dressed well and cleaned up? Hopefully you can always say yes. Make sure you are in a good mood. Talk to people you know, talk to people you don’t know. Shmooze around and drink to loosen up. Don’t get trashed though. From the minute you show up, you should be scoping out the chicks. Make conversation with a lot of different girls.
“Man Kemo, you make it sound so easy! But how exactly do I do that?” Kids, many famous seasoned pickup artists will tell you in articles “make conversation” or “talk to that hottie” without even saying how. Honestly, the best type of openers are situational. Something happens and you make a funny comment about it to a girl. When she laughs you can introduce yourself and start talking. Or you can go over to where a group of people are talking where you know some of them, and then join in (meeting the people that you don’t know). I actually think it is pretty hard to NOT meet a girl when you are at a party. If you see a girl that looks bored, just go up and start talking. She will be happy that someone is saying something. Something like “so you come to parties to stand against the wall?” and she’ll probably smile and try to defend herself (waiting for a friend, feeling tired, etc.). Introduce yourself and start talking! If you have NO way to do an opener, the easiest one that always works is “hey”. Hasn’t failed me yet.
So it is midnight. Everyone is getting pretty sloppy. You have created a small social circle web at the party meeting (hopefully) a good amount of prospects for the end of the night (also depends on the amount of people there and girls in general). Now there have been 2 options. You could have either hooked up with a girl IN the party (isolating her) or you are hoping to hook up with one AFTER the party. The first one is simple; if it comes along I usually take it. Most house parties have bedrooms, and if not there are always other options. Be creative. With the amount of alcohol that should be in these girl’s systems. this type of thing can happen a lot without you even trying.
If you are instead going for a hookup after the party, the time to start looking for the chick is when the party reaches its peak and starts slowing down. You need to find a girl that A)Has given you good signs, B)Seems like you have a good chance with, and C)You find attractive (optional in some cases). Since you haven’t been hanging around her all night, you have not yet become boring to her. You can go chat her up for a while. It is time to really work in your kino. Hopefully you had been doing this all night (kino is more important than legendary techniques like cocky and funny). If you are sitting with her, get your arm around her or something. Make sure you are touching. She’ll get the message, and if she kinos back, that’s a good time. The rest should come naturally, and if you get that far, you don’t need any of my help afterwards. Seriously, well I wrote this article kind of drunk, hope it didn’t jump around too much. There is a girl sleeping on my bed from a party I was at hours ago. This stuff WORKS!
The first step when you are at your party is your entrance and your first impression. Before you go to the party, please freshen up. Shower up boy. But on some nice deodorant and some cologne too (nothing strong or fancy, just casual and good, see the cologne section). Make sure your hair looks good too. I normally put gel in my hair and mess with it for a while, but you do what works for you. When my hair isn’t agreeing with me, I pick out a hat THAT MATCHES what I’m wearing and put that on. Speaking of what you are wearing, make sure that you have that covered. Depending on how I feel, I could show up to a party in a t-shirt, polo, or even a wife beater. Make sure it fits well, and if you got a bad body, skip on wife beater. Ok you look good man, time to go to the party.
You now have entered, and of course all of the babes are making first impressions of you. Are you smiling, do you know people, are you dressed well and cleaned up? Hopefully you can always say yes. Make sure you are in a good mood. Talk to people you know, talk to people you don’t know. Shmooze around and drink to loosen up. Don’t get trashed though. From the minute you show up, you should be scoping out the chicks. Make conversation with a lot of different girls.
“Man Kemo, you make it sound so easy! But how exactly do I do that?” Kids, many famous seasoned pickup artists will tell you in articles “make conversation” or “talk to that hottie” without even saying how. Honestly, the best type of openers are situational. Something happens and you make a funny comment about it to a girl. When she laughs you can introduce yourself and start talking. Or you can go over to where a group of people are talking where you know some of them, and then join in (meeting the people that you don’t know). I actually think it is pretty hard to NOT meet a girl when you are at a party. If you see a girl that looks bored, just go up and start talking. She will be happy that someone is saying something. Something like “so you come to parties to stand against the wall?” and she’ll probably smile and try to defend herself (waiting for a friend, feeling tired, etc.). Introduce yourself and start talking! If you have NO way to do an opener, the easiest one that always works is “hey”. Hasn’t failed me yet.
So it is midnight. Everyone is getting pretty sloppy. You have created a small social circle web at the party meeting (hopefully) a good amount of prospects for the end of the night (also depends on the amount of people there and girls in general). Now there have been 2 options. You could have either hooked up with a girl IN the party (isolating her) or you are hoping to hook up with one AFTER the party. The first one is simple; if it comes along I usually take it. Most house parties have bedrooms, and if not there are always other options. Be creative. With the amount of alcohol that should be in these girl’s systems. this type of thing can happen a lot without you even trying.
If you are instead going for a hookup after the party, the time to start looking for the chick is when the party reaches its peak and starts slowing down. You need to find a girl that A)Has given you good signs, B)Seems like you have a good chance with, and C)You find attractive (optional in some cases). Since you haven’t been hanging around her all night, you have not yet become boring to her. You can go chat her up for a while. It is time to really work in your kino. Hopefully you had been doing this all night (kino is more important than legendary techniques like cocky and funny). If you are sitting with her, get your arm around her or something. Make sure you are touching. She’ll get the message, and if she kinos back, that’s a good time. The rest should come naturally, and if you get that far, you don’t need any of my help afterwards. Seriously, well I wrote this article kind of drunk, hope it didn’t jump around too much. There is a girl sleeping on my bed from a party I was at hours ago. This stuff WORKS!
How To Tell Someone You Just Want To Be Friends
The more friends of opposite sex you have, there is a bigger chance someone will fall in love with you. How to tell you friend you don’t want to turn your friendship in more serious relationship? If you suspect or heard that your friend is really into you, try to act before it comes out. When seeing him/her, tell him how important your friendship is, you can tell him about your personal life or keep secrets.
You can mention you think you’re in love with someone else or tell about last met attractive person and you’re very excited about coming date. Tell the person up front that you enjoy being single but that you're always looking for new friends.
Explain you’re not ready for any relationships, you like being free and meeting with close friends only. Use everything that can let the other party know that you're not interested in romance.
Make a joke out of your rejection if the person would mention he could date you: "We'd never make a good couple’ try to think of a reason why, like ‘we know our background too well’. Be honest and tell your friend why you don't think a relationship would work out Try to be delicate as every friend will have a hard time recovering after your hard rejection. Try to comfort your friend. You can propose to help him out if possible in finding a suitable girl/guy for him/her. Don’t leave any hopes for changing your mind if you’re not planning to, let your friend get over you and find someone else, otherwise he or she will always be jealous when you’re dating someone else.
Change the subject after you've explained you’re not interested in romance and try to forget about what just happened. Still ask your friend to ‘go get some popcorn’ etc, to make him/her sure you’re still very friendly and don’t want to lose him as a friend. Keep enjoying your friendship. Find more friends on
You can mention you think you’re in love with someone else or tell about last met attractive person and you’re very excited about coming date. Tell the person up front that you enjoy being single but that you're always looking for new friends.
Explain you’re not ready for any relationships, you like being free and meeting with close friends only. Use everything that can let the other party know that you're not interested in romance.
Make a joke out of your rejection if the person would mention he could date you: "We'd never make a good couple’ try to think of a reason why, like ‘we know our background too well’. Be honest and tell your friend why you don't think a relationship would work out Try to be delicate as every friend will have a hard time recovering after your hard rejection. Try to comfort your friend. You can propose to help him out if possible in finding a suitable girl/guy for him/her. Don’t leave any hopes for changing your mind if you’re not planning to, let your friend get over you and find someone else, otherwise he or she will always be jealous when you’re dating someone else.
Change the subject after you've explained you’re not interested in romance and try to forget about what just happened. Still ask your friend to ‘go get some popcorn’ etc, to make him/her sure you’re still very friendly and don’t want to lose him as a friend. Keep enjoying your friendship. Find more friends on
A Dating Site, Naked Women, and Casual Sex, Oh My!
No hype: In this informative article I am going to show you all three: naked women, casual sex, and the properly perverted dating site that brings them all together.
Now men, I want you to make sure that you have plenty of condoms before you implement the knowledge I am about impart to you here. In fact get a couple of boxes; I wholeheartedly believe in safe sex!
There is a bloody revolution going on here guys! Hot attractive women are going online and are actually advertising themselves as EASY. Not only that, they are stripping bare ass naked and "performing" in front of their cheap discount-store bought web cams.
For the industrious men who are aware of this little fact, it is like shooting fish in the proverbial barrel. This is a hard fact: it has NEVER been easier for men to get laid than right NOW in the history of the human race!
I am not exaggerating. Even though prostitution is the oldest profession, the new paradigm in sexual debauchery renders hooker dome absolete. Men who know WHERE to go online get more sex than they can humanly handle in a single horny lifetime.
But where, you so gallantly ask, is the best place to find these beautiful heroines of yore? Why the infamous dating site of course!
But not just any dating site; we are talking about an "adult" dating site. To be sure, when we say "adult" we mean absolutely NO inhibitions among the members.
We are talking hard core sex starved men and women who are out to enjoy life to the absolute, orgasmic fullest. Not for the timid or meek, so if you are a prude who lives with more than 3 cats please leave now.
What I am about to impart upon you is the key to sexual awakening. It involves being a little courageous and actually spending a tiny bit of money. Then you be truly courageous and take positive action by contacting at least 100 members in your local area that attract you sexually.
Yes I said 100. It sounds like a lot but if you want to be successful and have the most fulfilling sexual life humanly possible then take heed. Besides with copy and paste it is about 30 minutes work ;-)
Did I mention that most women at select adult dating site pose nude? Did I mention they also pose doing .... well things I can't mention here?
Now men, I want you to make sure that you have plenty of condoms before you implement the knowledge I am about impart to you here. In fact get a couple of boxes; I wholeheartedly believe in safe sex!
There is a bloody revolution going on here guys! Hot attractive women are going online and are actually advertising themselves as EASY. Not only that, they are stripping bare ass naked and "performing" in front of their cheap discount-store bought web cams.
For the industrious men who are aware of this little fact, it is like shooting fish in the proverbial barrel. This is a hard fact: it has NEVER been easier for men to get laid than right NOW in the history of the human race!
I am not exaggerating. Even though prostitution is the oldest profession, the new paradigm in sexual debauchery renders hooker dome absolete. Men who know WHERE to go online get more sex than they can humanly handle in a single horny lifetime.
But where, you so gallantly ask, is the best place to find these beautiful heroines of yore? Why the infamous dating site of course!
But not just any dating site; we are talking about an "adult" dating site. To be sure, when we say "adult" we mean absolutely NO inhibitions among the members.
We are talking hard core sex starved men and women who are out to enjoy life to the absolute, orgasmic fullest. Not for the timid or meek, so if you are a prude who lives with more than 3 cats please leave now.
What I am about to impart upon you is the key to sexual awakening. It involves being a little courageous and actually spending a tiny bit of money. Then you be truly courageous and take positive action by contacting at least 100 members in your local area that attract you sexually.
Yes I said 100. It sounds like a lot but if you want to be successful and have the most fulfilling sexual life humanly possible then take heed. Besides with copy and paste it is about 30 minutes work ;-)
Did I mention that most women at select adult dating site pose nude? Did I mention they also pose doing .... well things I can't mention here?
Delving the Realm of Boston Personals
There's a problem with window shopping: you begin to dwell on all the things you can't have or can't afford. But there's a bigger problem than that: we will begin focusing on the fact that can't have or afford the item in question, and that little obsession can actually cause more harm than the other.
Let us compare this behavior to online dating and exploring Boston personals. It's easy to sign up on free online dating sites or take free trials on pay sites and then start browsing the lists of available singles. And – just like window shopping – we stay out of the store and look through a small window at a nice, prettied-up and posed person. Then we just as often declare them unattainable or impractical and, just like regular shopping, it's not the items or the Boston personals that we focus on, but our ability or likelihood to meet those people.
Actually going inside and, in the case of online dating, making a commitment to a serious relationship or just trying to meet someone great, can be a little daunting. Much easier to just stand outside and look in.
But, just like with regular shopping, sometimes we find ourselves with a little extra courage or some new means that make going in the store or making contact with some of the people behind the Boston personals a valid possibility. But now we've spent so long convincing ourselves that there wasn't even a possibility that when one presents itself this is where we can make our biggest mistakes.
When a door stands invitingly open to us after so much time sealing us out we risk two major mistakes. The first is to maintain our stance and try to ignore the door and all the wonderful things that might be on the other side. The other choice is to go barreling through the doors at the first sign that it might give way.
But aren't you supposed to take a chance? Aren't you supposed to take any and every opportunity? Isn't this exactly what we've been standing around this whole time waiting for?
Not exactly.
What could be worse than barging through a door just to be confronted with what's really waiting for you?
Boston has one of the most active online dating communities in the country. Singles are more willing to try this form of meeting new people because they're getting tired of the more traditional means of finding compatible singles. There is a wide variety of Boston personals out there to see, but how do you know which one is right for you?
As you search through different sites and the different Boston personals on those sites, you can learn different things, and by paying attention to the entire personal ad – in other words, doing more than just basic window shopping – we can discern whether to take door number one, two, or the mystery prize.
There are a number of ways people can express themselves in Boston personals these days. We can write up quick and, hopefully, pithy little paragraphs, we can select a number of multiple choice answers, or we can use a personality profile to try and find people who are a good match for us. All these methods are a great way to delve further than just a nice picture.
Don't get me wrong, pictures are an integral part of good Boston personals, but now online dating sites provide tools that allow us to step out of the shallow pool and start focusing on the more meaningful parts of a potential relationship.
And when we stop focusing on our own problems, when we're ready to move past the window shopping phase, we can finally do so knowing we're making the best choice possible. We're not going to go into the store that is only interested in ripping you off, or presenting something that may be beautiful on the outside and nothing but rotten bits on the inside.
Take the time to explore Boston personals and look, read, and understand the things presented there to start your relationship off in the right direction.
Let us compare this behavior to online dating and exploring Boston personals. It's easy to sign up on free online dating sites or take free trials on pay sites and then start browsing the lists of available singles. And – just like window shopping – we stay out of the store and look through a small window at a nice, prettied-up and posed person. Then we just as often declare them unattainable or impractical and, just like regular shopping, it's not the items or the Boston personals that we focus on, but our ability or likelihood to meet those people.
Actually going inside and, in the case of online dating, making a commitment to a serious relationship or just trying to meet someone great, can be a little daunting. Much easier to just stand outside and look in.
But, just like with regular shopping, sometimes we find ourselves with a little extra courage or some new means that make going in the store or making contact with some of the people behind the Boston personals a valid possibility. But now we've spent so long convincing ourselves that there wasn't even a possibility that when one presents itself this is where we can make our biggest mistakes.
When a door stands invitingly open to us after so much time sealing us out we risk two major mistakes. The first is to maintain our stance and try to ignore the door and all the wonderful things that might be on the other side. The other choice is to go barreling through the doors at the first sign that it might give way.
But aren't you supposed to take a chance? Aren't you supposed to take any and every opportunity? Isn't this exactly what we've been standing around this whole time waiting for?
Not exactly.
What could be worse than barging through a door just to be confronted with what's really waiting for you?
Boston has one of the most active online dating communities in the country. Singles are more willing to try this form of meeting new people because they're getting tired of the more traditional means of finding compatible singles. There is a wide variety of Boston personals out there to see, but how do you know which one is right for you?
As you search through different sites and the different Boston personals on those sites, you can learn different things, and by paying attention to the entire personal ad – in other words, doing more than just basic window shopping – we can discern whether to take door number one, two, or the mystery prize.
There are a number of ways people can express themselves in Boston personals these days. We can write up quick and, hopefully, pithy little paragraphs, we can select a number of multiple choice answers, or we can use a personality profile to try and find people who are a good match for us. All these methods are a great way to delve further than just a nice picture.
Don't get me wrong, pictures are an integral part of good Boston personals, but now online dating sites provide tools that allow us to step out of the shallow pool and start focusing on the more meaningful parts of a potential relationship.
And when we stop focusing on our own problems, when we're ready to move past the window shopping phase, we can finally do so knowing we're making the best choice possible. We're not going to go into the store that is only interested in ripping you off, or presenting something that may be beautiful on the outside and nothing but rotten bits on the inside.
Take the time to explore Boston personals and look, read, and understand the things presented there to start your relationship off in the right direction.
I Have Been Hurt By Men Too Many Times, Should I Start Dating Women?
Can you say from your heart that your passion for making love is saturated? You would definitely say a big ‘NO’. Yes, the yearning for fulfilling love does not stop till human beings lose the pulsation of life. Do not thrive on the stinking experience of your past; rather try hard tailoring your future and earn utmost fun and pleasure from life. Keeping these ideas in mind, you can make a balance in your personal life too. After all…past is history and future is mystery, so be with the present for enlightening your future and also to erase painful experiences of your past.
I know a girl, who got immensely benefited by listening to my words. She was just like you, who had several relationships but none of them gave her assurance to carry further. She got frustrated and decided not to go for any other relationship with her male friends. I told her that to end up relationships is to end up life and also asked her why she had taken such steps. She described her whole story to me. She had fallen in love with a boy much older to her. They had physical relation for several times. Each time my friend asked him to marry, he used to get rid off that situation by saying something else. With the passage of time, they got separated and that boy got married to another girl. Three other boys also cheated my friend thereafter. Having understood her situation very well, I suggested her not to give up in her pursuit of finding love and do not stop looking for men until you are truly happy with someone. She searched out a new friend and they began their romance. Now, they are married with two children.
There are several reasons behind winning in the battle of love affair. You would get to know what the male populace prefers and why they change relationship very often. Once you learn the art of realizing their mind, you would be able to mould yourself to fulfill all their desires and thus, you will be able to make your way to success. As you are experienced, you can add more fun in their life. Think it properly – a man moves to other place when he is not satisfied with what he has. If he gets satisfaction, fun, entertainment from his life partner, he would definitely stay with her till the end.
As you have been in quite a few relationships earlier, you would probably have the idea of how to win hearts of men. Be confident and look around for a match for you. I am sure that you would be able to find out you partner very soon. Do not hasten, move slowly to reach your end. This has to be kept in mind well to get success in life. You should also realize that compared to women, the minds of men are built from an entirely different blueprint. Men hurt their wives' feelings without understanding them properly and then get baffled when their women counterpart are upset with them without any specific reason.
The saying goes - "To meet her handsome prince, a girl has to kiss a lot of frogs." So, you will have to play intelligently. Even if you are experienced and financially self-sufficient, this adage is much more appropriate for men aspiring for marriage than it is for women.
Apart from all these things, you need to get a male partner because of quenching your thirst for sex. Spend a little time in thinking - can any women satisfy you by entering their organ into yours? NO! It is not physically possible. You can get pleasure by pushing artificial limb into yours. But that would not be as satisfactory as the organ of your male counterpart. For getting hands free penetration, you also need the help of a male partner. Male-female pair is recognized as ideal. They are just like the two halves of a ball, if you consider only one part and neglect the other, you would not be able to form a complete sphere. Thus, you need to make a lifelong relationship with a male counterpart.
It may happen that you want desperately making friendship with a woman because of your preference. Never mind making friendship with her. It is better to have a girl friend than having none at all. Decide what do you want to have in life first. Do you want a male partner or want to get enjoyment from a girl partner. The ultimate thing is to get pleasure…it does not matter in what way you are getting them. So, decide first in which direction you want to move and march forward. Never stay alone in life.
I know a girl, who got immensely benefited by listening to my words. She was just like you, who had several relationships but none of them gave her assurance to carry further. She got frustrated and decided not to go for any other relationship with her male friends. I told her that to end up relationships is to end up life and also asked her why she had taken such steps. She described her whole story to me. She had fallen in love with a boy much older to her. They had physical relation for several times. Each time my friend asked him to marry, he used to get rid off that situation by saying something else. With the passage of time, they got separated and that boy got married to another girl. Three other boys also cheated my friend thereafter. Having understood her situation very well, I suggested her not to give up in her pursuit of finding love and do not stop looking for men until you are truly happy with someone. She searched out a new friend and they began their romance. Now, they are married with two children.
There are several reasons behind winning in the battle of love affair. You would get to know what the male populace prefers and why they change relationship very often. Once you learn the art of realizing their mind, you would be able to mould yourself to fulfill all their desires and thus, you will be able to make your way to success. As you are experienced, you can add more fun in their life. Think it properly – a man moves to other place when he is not satisfied with what he has. If he gets satisfaction, fun, entertainment from his life partner, he would definitely stay with her till the end.
As you have been in quite a few relationships earlier, you would probably have the idea of how to win hearts of men. Be confident and look around for a match for you. I am sure that you would be able to find out you partner very soon. Do not hasten, move slowly to reach your end. This has to be kept in mind well to get success in life. You should also realize that compared to women, the minds of men are built from an entirely different blueprint. Men hurt their wives' feelings without understanding them properly and then get baffled when their women counterpart are upset with them without any specific reason.
The saying goes - "To meet her handsome prince, a girl has to kiss a lot of frogs." So, you will have to play intelligently. Even if you are experienced and financially self-sufficient, this adage is much more appropriate for men aspiring for marriage than it is for women.
Apart from all these things, you need to get a male partner because of quenching your thirst for sex. Spend a little time in thinking - can any women satisfy you by entering their organ into yours? NO! It is not physically possible. You can get pleasure by pushing artificial limb into yours. But that would not be as satisfactory as the organ of your male counterpart. For getting hands free penetration, you also need the help of a male partner. Male-female pair is recognized as ideal. They are just like the two halves of a ball, if you consider only one part and neglect the other, you would not be able to form a complete sphere. Thus, you need to make a lifelong relationship with a male counterpart.
It may happen that you want desperately making friendship with a woman because of your preference. Never mind making friendship with her. It is better to have a girl friend than having none at all. Decide what do you want to have in life first. Do you want a male partner or want to get enjoyment from a girl partner. The ultimate thing is to get pleasure…it does not matter in what way you are getting them. So, decide first in which direction you want to move and march forward. Never stay alone in life.
Relaciones contactos
Las palabras "relaciones contactos" son unas de las más buscadas en Internet, y esto se debe a que "relaciones contactos" resume lo que muchas personas en todo el mundo están buscando. Por un lado, “relaciones contactos” significa querer encontrar a una persona con la cual formar una pareja y compartir toda la vida, y por otro lado, significa querer tener una lista de amigos con los cuales poder hablar. Incluso, “relaciones contactos” es una búsqueda válida para aquellas personas que están buscando una relación casual, sin compromiso, o simplemente una noche de pasión.
Ahora bien, ¿a donde deberías ir a parar luego de buscar “relaciones contactos” en cualquiera de los buscadores populares de Internet? La respuesta es muy simple: deberías ir a parar a un sitio de citas. ¿Qué es un sitio de citas? ¡Es el lugar donde encontrar “relaciones contactos”! Es decir, un lugar donde puedes encontrar todo tipo de personas de todas partes del mundo en busca de todo tipo de relaciones, y sin duda, esto es lo que pretendes encontrar al buscar “relaciones contactos”.
Originalmente, los sitios de citas surgieron como un lugar para ofrecer a aquellas personas en busca de pareja, un lugar donde conocer otras personas en busca de lo mismo. Sin embargo, con el tiempo se vio que también podían ser utilizados para hacer amigos o conocer gente para hablar de los temas que a uno le interesan. Es decir que hoy en día, estos sitios abarcan todos los aspectos de “relaciones contactos”.
¿Y que diferencia a un sitio de citas de un sitio de chat normal? La posibilidad de realizar búsquedas personalizadas entre las personas registradas en el sitio. Supongamos que quieres “relaciones contactos” pero solo te interesan aquellas potenciales “relaciones contactos” que sean solteras o solteros, que estén buscando una relación seria, y que vivan en tu país. Puedes especificarlo en tu búsqueda, y solo las personas que cumplan con estas condiciones aparecerán.
Por lo tanto, la próxima vez que hagas la búsqueda “relaciones contactos”, sabrás que la mejor opción son los sitios de citas, y que ahí podrás encontrar todo lo que estás buscando, ¡Y mucho más!
Ahora bien, ¿a donde deberías ir a parar luego de buscar “relaciones contactos” en cualquiera de los buscadores populares de Internet? La respuesta es muy simple: deberías ir a parar a un sitio de citas. ¿Qué es un sitio de citas? ¡Es el lugar donde encontrar “relaciones contactos”! Es decir, un lugar donde puedes encontrar todo tipo de personas de todas partes del mundo en busca de todo tipo de relaciones, y sin duda, esto es lo que pretendes encontrar al buscar “relaciones contactos”.
Originalmente, los sitios de citas surgieron como un lugar para ofrecer a aquellas personas en busca de pareja, un lugar donde conocer otras personas en busca de lo mismo. Sin embargo, con el tiempo se vio que también podían ser utilizados para hacer amigos o conocer gente para hablar de los temas que a uno le interesan. Es decir que hoy en día, estos sitios abarcan todos los aspectos de “relaciones contactos”.
¿Y que diferencia a un sitio de citas de un sitio de chat normal? La posibilidad de realizar búsquedas personalizadas entre las personas registradas en el sitio. Supongamos que quieres “relaciones contactos” pero solo te interesan aquellas potenciales “relaciones contactos” que sean solteras o solteros, que estén buscando una relación seria, y que vivan en tu país. Puedes especificarlo en tu búsqueda, y solo las personas que cumplan con estas condiciones aparecerán.
Por lo tanto, la próxima vez que hagas la búsqueda “relaciones contactos”, sabrás que la mejor opción son los sitios de citas, y que ahí podrás encontrar todo lo que estás buscando, ¡Y mucho más!
It is already six o'clock. You are ready for the big date. Well, almost. The little black dress that you bought at Neiman-Marcus still hangs in your closet. Feeling butterflies in the stomach, you reach for it and slip it on (for the tenth time), and zipped it up. Perfect. Well, almost. All glammed up and ready to go. You've got the vanity kit in the purse, the make-up's been re-touched, and the mandatory spritz of perfume is through. You've got everything in place, well, except for the guy. “Where is my date?”, you ask. A million other questions race through your mind. You can't help think about whether he was in a car accident or, even worse, if he changed his mind about the date. Feeling the anxiety now creeping through your body, you dial his cellphone number. He answers the phone and tells you in a half-embarrassed voice that he is now your front porch. The immediately, you hear the doorbell. “He's here!”, you silently scream in your as you glide down the staircase. Of course, you first had to take one last look at the mirror to check your teeth, hair, and dress before taking that one long breath of air. Finally, you open the door and given out your sweetest smile to the guy --- your date, who, at least came, even if he was 20 minutes late.
This scenario describes how one woman can feel the anxiety when it comes to dating. The emotional roller coaster of preparing and waiting for the date --- not to mention the actual outcome of it --- can put even the most stable of women in panic. It has been a tradition for almost everyone to have dates in order to know more about each other, spend time together, and see if your attitudes, beliefs, or interests are compatible. Of course, not all expectations or agreements about this thing or that thing are met with ease. Dating is necessary because it takes time to know a person well, and hopefully, after that, the simple getting-to-know-you would blossom into a good relationship.
But not all people are accustomed to or even ready to have a date. Dating is considered as a social event, where two people are dressed up appropriately based on where they are going, or what activity they are going to do. In these times, dating can be done in various ways, not just the candle lit dinner for two setup. Double dates, group dates, blind dates, and even the ones where you go to a certain spot, be with nineteen other women and twenty guys that you have not met, and go on rotation to speak with a man for at least five minutes. Speed dating, anyone? Crazy, right?
Still, even with all the innovations on how to meet and date people, some individuals still find it a struggle to actually be around others of their kind. The fact of being near other people can stress out or cause panic is such a serious concern that there is even a term for it --- Social Anxiety. Social anxiety often refers to fear and worry about being around other people or of establishing contact with another person for the first time.
In a society like ours, they are often seen as loners, anti-socials, or wallflowers. In a scene like that, a person dealing with social anxiety might just run, be silent for the rest of the night, or even faint! Those with this type of anxiety disorder may often experience sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, and nagging thoughts about not being “good enough” for the person they are about to meet.
Needless to say, any feeling of anxiety may be considered normal as long as it does not interrupt with your daily routine or with prevents a person from having a happy, fulfilled life. Every single person on earth wants the best, and by that, it means that all of us aspire to look good, feel good, and show how wonderful we are as human beings --- especially during a date.
In dating, a person feels the anxiety before or during a date --- which is perfectly all right. Taking time to relieve the anxiety is key before going on a date. What then should be the first step an anxious dater should take before going out?
Deep breathing can really help ease nervousness. Focusing on the other person (or your date) and not just obsessing about whether you will be liked or not is a good start, too. Most of all, just be yourself.
People who suffer from social anxiety should participate in social therapy and treatment in order to decrease their fear of meeting other people. It is essential for a person to grow and interact with others, so it is wise to address this kind of anxiety as soon as possible. Going out on a date need not be such a hassle. It should be one of the most fun things every one should try and experience.
This scenario describes how one woman can feel the anxiety when it comes to dating. The emotional roller coaster of preparing and waiting for the date --- not to mention the actual outcome of it --- can put even the most stable of women in panic. It has been a tradition for almost everyone to have dates in order to know more about each other, spend time together, and see if your attitudes, beliefs, or interests are compatible. Of course, not all expectations or agreements about this thing or that thing are met with ease. Dating is necessary because it takes time to know a person well, and hopefully, after that, the simple getting-to-know-you would blossom into a good relationship.
But not all people are accustomed to or even ready to have a date. Dating is considered as a social event, where two people are dressed up appropriately based on where they are going, or what activity they are going to do. In these times, dating can be done in various ways, not just the candle lit dinner for two setup. Double dates, group dates, blind dates, and even the ones where you go to a certain spot, be with nineteen other women and twenty guys that you have not met, and go on rotation to speak with a man for at least five minutes. Speed dating, anyone? Crazy, right?
Still, even with all the innovations on how to meet and date people, some individuals still find it a struggle to actually be around others of their kind. The fact of being near other people can stress out or cause panic is such a serious concern that there is even a term for it --- Social Anxiety. Social anxiety often refers to fear and worry about being around other people or of establishing contact with another person for the first time.
In a society like ours, they are often seen as loners, anti-socials, or wallflowers. In a scene like that, a person dealing with social anxiety might just run, be silent for the rest of the night, or even faint! Those with this type of anxiety disorder may often experience sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, and nagging thoughts about not being “good enough” for the person they are about to meet.
Needless to say, any feeling of anxiety may be considered normal as long as it does not interrupt with your daily routine or with prevents a person from having a happy, fulfilled life. Every single person on earth wants the best, and by that, it means that all of us aspire to look good, feel good, and show how wonderful we are as human beings --- especially during a date.
In dating, a person feels the anxiety before or during a date --- which is perfectly all right. Taking time to relieve the anxiety is key before going on a date. What then should be the first step an anxious dater should take before going out?
Deep breathing can really help ease nervousness. Focusing on the other person (or your date) and not just obsessing about whether you will be liked or not is a good start, too. Most of all, just be yourself.
People who suffer from social anxiety should participate in social therapy and treatment in order to decrease their fear of meeting other people. It is essential for a person to grow and interact with others, so it is wise to address this kind of anxiety as soon as possible. Going out on a date need not be such a hassle. It should be one of the most fun things every one should try and experience.
On anxiety and dating
It is already six o'clock. You are ready for the big date. Well, almost. The little black dress that you bought at Neiman-Marcus still hangs in your closet. Feeling butterflies in the stomach, you reach for it and slip it on (for the tenth time), and zipped it up. Perfect. Well, almost. All glammed up and ready to go. You've got the vanity kit in the purse, the make-up's been re-touched, and the mandatory spritz of perfume is through. You've got everything in place, well, except for the guy. “Where is my date?”, you ask. A million other questions race through your mind. You can't help think about whether he was in a car accident or, even worse, if he changed his mind about the date. Feeling the anxiety now creeping through your body, you dial his cellphone number. He answers the phone and tells you in a half-embarrassed voice that he is now your front porch. The immediately, you hear the doorbell. “He's here!”, you silently scream in your as you glide down the staircase. Of course, you first had to take one last look at the mirror to check your teeth, hair, and dress before taking that one long breath of air. Finally, you open the door and given out your sweetest smile to the guy --- your date, who, at least came, even if he was 20 minutes late.
This scenario describes how one woman can feel the anxiety when it comes to dating. The emotional roller coaster of preparing and waiting for the date --- not to mention the actual outcome of it --- can put even the most stable of women in panic. It has been a tradition for almost everyone to have dates in order to know more about each other, spend time together, and see if your attitudes, beliefs, or interests are compatible. Of course, not all expectations or agreements about this thing or that thing are met with ease. Dating is necessary because it takes time to know a person well, and hopefully, after that, the simple getting-to-know-you would blossom into a good relationship.
But not all people are accustomed to or even ready to have a date. Dating is considered as a social event, where two people are dressed up appropriately based on where they are going, or what activity they are going to do. In these times, dating can be done in various ways, not just the candle lit dinner for two setup. Double dates, group dates, blind dates, and even the ones where you go to a certain spot, be with nineteen other women and twenty guys that you have not met, and go on rotation to speak with a man for at least five minutes. Speed dating, anyone? Crazy, right?
Still, even with all the innovations on how to meet and date people, some individuals still find it a struggle to actually be around others of their kind. The fact of being near other people can stress out or cause panic is such a serious concern that there is even a term for it --- Social Anxiety. Social anxiety often refers to fear and worry about being around other people or of establishing contact with another person for the first time.
In a society like ours, they are often seen as loners, anti-socials, or wallflowers. In a scene like that, a person dealing with social anxiety might just run, be silent for the rest of the night, or even faint! Those with this type of anxiety disorder may often experience sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, and nagging thoughts about not being “good enough” for the person they are about to meet.
Needless to say, any feeling of anxiety may be considered normal as long as it does not interrupt with your daily routine or with prevents a person from having a happy, fulfilled life. Every single person on earth wants the best, and by that, it means that all of us aspire to look good, feel good, and show how wonderful we are as human beings --- especially during a date.
In dating, a person feels the anxiety before or during a date --- which is perfectly all right. Taking time to relieve the anxiety is key before going on a date. What then should be the first step an anxious dater should take before going out?
Deep breathing can really help ease nervousness. Focusing on the other person (or your date) and not just obsessing about whether you will be liked or not is a good start, too. Most of all, just be yourself.
People who suffer from social anxiety should participate in social therapy and treatment in order to decrease their fear of meeting other people. It is essential for a person to grow and interact with others, so it is wise to address this kind of anxiety as soon as possible. Going out on a date need not be such a hassle. It should be one of the most fun things every one should try and experience.
This scenario describes how one woman can feel the anxiety when it comes to dating. The emotional roller coaster of preparing and waiting for the date --- not to mention the actual outcome of it --- can put even the most stable of women in panic. It has been a tradition for almost everyone to have dates in order to know more about each other, spend time together, and see if your attitudes, beliefs, or interests are compatible. Of course, not all expectations or agreements about this thing or that thing are met with ease. Dating is necessary because it takes time to know a person well, and hopefully, after that, the simple getting-to-know-you would blossom into a good relationship.
But not all people are accustomed to or even ready to have a date. Dating is considered as a social event, where two people are dressed up appropriately based on where they are going, or what activity they are going to do. In these times, dating can be done in various ways, not just the candle lit dinner for two setup. Double dates, group dates, blind dates, and even the ones where you go to a certain spot, be with nineteen other women and twenty guys that you have not met, and go on rotation to speak with a man for at least five minutes. Speed dating, anyone? Crazy, right?
Still, even with all the innovations on how to meet and date people, some individuals still find it a struggle to actually be around others of their kind. The fact of being near other people can stress out or cause panic is such a serious concern that there is even a term for it --- Social Anxiety. Social anxiety often refers to fear and worry about being around other people or of establishing contact with another person for the first time.
In a society like ours, they are often seen as loners, anti-socials, or wallflowers. In a scene like that, a person dealing with social anxiety might just run, be silent for the rest of the night, or even faint! Those with this type of anxiety disorder may often experience sweaty hands, butterflies in the stomach, and nagging thoughts about not being “good enough” for the person they are about to meet.
Needless to say, any feeling of anxiety may be considered normal as long as it does not interrupt with your daily routine or with prevents a person from having a happy, fulfilled life. Every single person on earth wants the best, and by that, it means that all of us aspire to look good, feel good, and show how wonderful we are as human beings --- especially during a date.
In dating, a person feels the anxiety before or during a date --- which is perfectly all right. Taking time to relieve the anxiety is key before going on a date. What then should be the first step an anxious dater should take before going out?
Deep breathing can really help ease nervousness. Focusing on the other person (or your date) and not just obsessing about whether you will be liked or not is a good start, too. Most of all, just be yourself.
People who suffer from social anxiety should participate in social therapy and treatment in order to decrease their fear of meeting other people. It is essential for a person to grow and interact with others, so it is wise to address this kind of anxiety as soon as possible. Going out on a date need not be such a hassle. It should be one of the most fun things every one should try and experience.
How To Deal With Negative Emotions
Negative emotions sap your energy and undermine your effectiveness. In the negative emotional state, you find the lack of desire to do anything. The mind is filled with thoughts of fear, doubts and insecurities. Your body experiences fatigue, tightness and muscle tension.
Notice that your negative emotions arise when you respond to something, attach a meaning to it and picture it in your mind. You add power to it by using words to label and describe the situation or emotion. You will then experience the sensation and respond accordingly, as you always, have unconsciously. The ability to deal with negative emotions will change your responses to situations and people.
How to deal with negative emotions.
It takes a decision to change anything. Once you decide that you no longer want to allow your negative emotions to control your life, you will take action to manage them when the first hint appears.
You should condition yourself to become aware of your emotions and the stimulus that trigger them. When you are aware, you are able to look at it squarely. Train your mind to "catch" yourself getting into an emotional state.
It takes conscious awareness to question your limiting feelings and state of mind. Questioning yourself is a way to dehypontize your way of getting into an automatic state. Question your reasons, assumptions and understandings in order to change the intensity and meaning you attach to your emotions.
Change your focus.
When you focus on hurtful feeling, fear and all other negative state of emotions, you will einlarge them. You need to refocus and divert your attention to what you want to experience. Instead of brooding and playing disempowering images and talking negatively to yourself, take a different action. Since you have total control over your thoughts at any given time, you can shift your thinking. The best way to shift your thinking and refocus is to do something physically. Moving your body through physical activity changes your internal state of mind.
De-stress and relax.
When there is a lot of stress in your life, everything seems against you. De-stress yourself at intervals during your waking hours by taking time to relax and exercise breathing techniques. A calm and peaceful mind is able to produce positive emotions and a better outlook about life and events.
Accept responsibility.
Try to remind yourself that the cause of your anger, hurt and fear are not due to external situations or people. It exists inside you. If you can control and manage your negative emotions, nothing out there will affect your state of mind and body.
Notice that your negative emotions arise when you respond to something, attach a meaning to it and picture it in your mind. You add power to it by using words to label and describe the situation or emotion. You will then experience the sensation and respond accordingly, as you always, have unconsciously. The ability to deal with negative emotions will change your responses to situations and people.
How to deal with negative emotions.
It takes a decision to change anything. Once you decide that you no longer want to allow your negative emotions to control your life, you will take action to manage them when the first hint appears.
You should condition yourself to become aware of your emotions and the stimulus that trigger them. When you are aware, you are able to look at it squarely. Train your mind to "catch" yourself getting into an emotional state.
It takes conscious awareness to question your limiting feelings and state of mind. Questioning yourself is a way to dehypontize your way of getting into an automatic state. Question your reasons, assumptions and understandings in order to change the intensity and meaning you attach to your emotions.
Change your focus.
When you focus on hurtful feeling, fear and all other negative state of emotions, you will einlarge them. You need to refocus and divert your attention to what you want to experience. Instead of brooding and playing disempowering images and talking negatively to yourself, take a different action. Since you have total control over your thoughts at any given time, you can shift your thinking. The best way to shift your thinking and refocus is to do something physically. Moving your body through physical activity changes your internal state of mind.
De-stress and relax.
When there is a lot of stress in your life, everything seems against you. De-stress yourself at intervals during your waking hours by taking time to relax and exercise breathing techniques. A calm and peaceful mind is able to produce positive emotions and a better outlook about life and events.
Accept responsibility.
Try to remind yourself that the cause of your anger, hurt and fear are not due to external situations or people. It exists inside you. If you can control and manage your negative emotions, nothing out there will affect your state of mind and body.
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