Monday, July 30, 2007

Dating Single Men

Dating Single Men today can seem a bit complicated. Do you go out, join online dating communities, go on singles cruises ...? And with the world wide web the choices of where to meet people seem endless. Most women think that the question that they should ask is where to meet a guy man? The real question is what to do when you find one.

You can place a million personals offline and on the net but how do you weed out the wackos and find the winners and how do you hold on to "the one" when you find him? These are the questions that you should be asking yourself. Finding love can boil down to being a bit more discerning and knowing how to value a good man when you find him.

Write down exactly what you want in a man and in a relationship then write down the exact type of relationship that you want. Then you will have an easier time recognizing men that fit what you want for your future.

Next think about where this type of man would hang out. Is he a technical genius? Then perhaps you could join a computer club. Does he enjoy the great outdoors? Perhaps a sports club may be your ticket to the athletic type.

Finally decide what type of relationship that you want. Are you looking for a brief affair? Singles cruises or all inclusive resorts may be the answer. Want something a bit more long term? Try meeting men through your religious organizations or through friends.

At this point, when you find a man that fits well into your life and meets your criteria don't play games. So many women sabotage themselves by playing games with the men that they like. A true seduction diva knows how to date a man in a way that keeps the flirtation going and still lets him know that she wants to be with him.

I am not telling you to throw yourself at your guy but playing too hard to get can be equally damaging to a relationship. If you like a man be affectionate, flirty, and honest. There can be a fine line when you learn how to date a man. Men want some encouragement but not a clingy woman. They also don't want one who is so caught up in creating drama that she has no attention left to notice all of his finer points or work on building their relationship .

Use your body language to show him that you are interested. Lean forward when he speaks and actually pay attention to what he has to say. Touch his arm when making a point in the conversation or when you agree with something he said. Keep your body language open, friendly and relaxed.

Also don't try to be something that you are not. A lot of women develop a "dating personality." The pretend to prefer whatever the guy likes to "make him like" them. Well this type of act never works:

1) It is tiring trying to keep up appearances.
2) He will find out at some point in the relationship.
3) You are wasting your time and his. Think about it. Instead of being with a guy who truly values you as you are, you are hanging around with a guy that you will be miserable with just a few months or years down the road.

On the other side of that coin, don't try to change him. Each man that you meet is absolutely perfect just as he is. He just may not be perfect for you and it is a bit presumptuous to think that he needs to be changed and that you are the woman for the job.

Finding and learning how to date a man can be fun. Dating single men can be really enjoyable. But if you are looking for a long term relationship a little forethought is in order. Don't ever date out of desperation or loneliness. Date with a clear idea in your mind of who and what you want. From that clear sided purpose, you will instinctively know where to locate men with those qualities instead of hoping that you will stumble upon one like in a Hollywood movie. Singles cruises, online personals and joining a dating club may all seem like good ideas but would the person that you want to be with use these techniques to find the woman of his dreams? Why not meet him, while he is doing something that he enjoys like working out, attending a seminar or chatting in a book club? He will be in a good mood to begin with and you will both feel a bit more relaxed because dating isn't the single minded purpose of these events.

Caterina Christakos is the author of the Seduction Game for Women. For time tested tips on how to attract a man and keep him coming back for more go to: Dating Single Men